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Anonymous asked:

Hi, I wanted to update you on my film that will be shot May 17th thru June 8th. I was hoping after distribution is ok'd, (it's already pre-sold thank goodness) I could send you the film for review?.Luckily the film is a go, and we secured the budget just last week. It's titled "Sasquatch I: It Begins the Curse of the Were-Squatch".It's a 70's drive in theater horror comedy that is being shot in Northern MN. This film is my second feature, after my first feature

Sounds badass! I definitely give it a peep, man. 


Anonymous asked:

i wanna ask you something do you know where Anton lavey house ? And if it yes do u know where ? I searched but it says that it was demolished .but I wanna ask u and I hope u gonna answer me+ is there any other Anton lavey house ?

I don’t know where his house is/was… His most infamous place was The Black House in San Francisco though. I believe it was in the Haight-Ashbury district. That’s where they did all the spooky ritual shit, I guess. Isn’t it still there? Just not black, I think.  


Anonymous asked:

what is this gif from? what is the name of the movie?post/84048314298

It’s from “The Assault of the Killer Bimbos.” The titles to the movies are almost always in the tags… unless I forget. ;) 


Anonymous asked:

I stumbled across this gif of yours of this girl dancing "I guess people call it grinding these days" in a pink dress and swear I had seen the movies before. Neither me nor my girlfriend can remember where it is from and it is driving us mad!!! Any chance you can tell us what the original movie is?

Sorry, haven’t been on here in a loooooong time. It’s from the movie, “Ginger.”


Anonymous asked:

Hello Retro Fied! is it possible or allowed to use your gifs for some visuals on youtube? its to have some visuals to go with my music..

Sure! By all means. Thanks!! 

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