A Legacy I Leave in Crinkled Pages

With this pen and these words, I’ll write until my fingers bleed and my mind is empty. I’ll fill page after page after page with the lyrics of my heart. The beating rhythm that thrums to the sounds of inspiration. I’ll never stop creating stories or telling lost tales that beg to be told. With…

The Beauty of Dreamers

Not a day goes by that I’m not dreaming, pondering, wishing, planning. Each and every moment is a chance to open the door to my destiny, to get a little closer to the skies. I eat, sleep and breathe my dreams. Even more so now that I have my book finished and I’m ready to…

All I Need is One Yes…

It’s here. The time is now. I have no other obstacles in my path. I can’t make anymore excuses, I can’t waste anymore time holding onto this. You might be wondering what the heck I’m talking about. Well, here goes… My YA Fantasy novel that I’ve been working on over the last several years is…

They Don’t See Starvation’s Kiss

Do they see the black pockets beneath her eyes,shockingly dark and puffed up with bruised sorrow?The numbness like a Novocain-hazed cloudshutting out the light in her once sparkling existence? Do they notice the jutting bones beneath her flesh,disturbingly bent and gnarled by starvation’s kiss?The sunken cheeks like a malnourished bird of preysearching for its next…

As if I’d Always Been Sinless

Gaping eyes, wide with disbelief. Hands splayed out in supplication.Prayers to the heavens couldn’t save me now, too late. I was lost among the shattered depths of pain, so deep in the mire.No grace would save me, no hero to climb the tower and rescue the damsel. I had made my bed and would sleep…

No End to My Dreams

Who am I but the greatest of dreamers with a heart made of wishes. I fill up my bucket of desires every morning with a kiss to the stars, a prayer to the heavens. I stare into the moonlit night as darkness falls, and I ponder on what wish will be fulfilled when dawn breaks.…

The World is Blanketed by a Cloud of Magic…

The world is blanketed by a cloud of magic. It’s warmed beneath a quilt of such diverse colors and fantastical delights that we tend to miss it, assuming it’s only the stuff of fairy stories. We reject the magic because we are too afraid to embrace what we believe will disappear the moment we touch…

Manifest Your Dreams

It’s getting closer. Can you feel it? The rush of success pulsing through your veins. The idea that something more, something so far from your reach but yet so close is on the horizon. I’m ALMOST done with my adult fantasy fiction novel that I’ve been working on for ten years and this is exactly…

Read to Write Better

If you’re not reading, you’re not growing as a writer. I’ve spent the last couple months of the new year immersed in reading and have already finished 19 books. I can honestly say I feel like each book taught me something about writing technique, what works, what doesn’t, new vocabulary, etc. If you want a…