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Fall feels like fresh starts and unlimited possibilities. The changes of the leaves and the crisp autumn air get me feeling kinda nostalgic and reflective. I've been thinking about the difference seasons in my life. There have been seasons of abundant joy and seasons of staggering pain, seasons of pure adrenaline and excitement only to be followed by seasons of waiting and wandering in the proverbial desert. Seasons when it felt like all my wildest dreams were coming true, and seasons when it felt like nothing was happening and I was barely keeping my head above water. The highs and the lows. There have been so many times where it felt   like the particular season I was in just didn't make any sense. My  Why God seasons. The waiting. The growing and stretching. The faith without sight. The feeling lost, stuck, unworthy, not good enough. But in hindsight, I can see how it all came together to form a sort of mosaic that is my life. All these fragmented pieces make someth

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