A Night Out.

Hi there!
Welcome to my own first post 🐾

Its been awhile since we went out (yeah right, i'm always outside and complaining for having no time for myself) and just got a phone call from one of my closest friends around, Lesya that asked me if I'm in for a night out with her and Nate(the husband, who's a good friend of mine also).
Well, im always down for some drinks and some good music ofcourse so i jumped on the offer saying yes, absolutely!
After a couple a hours they picked me up (ofcourse, im drinking 😌) and we started the evening at this awesome place who serves small sized dishes that lets you spoil the table sharing a few plates each. Well that was really fun after i drank this huge cocktail, orderd 3 flavors of hummus that reminded me abit of home and also .. tasted for the first time in my life BONE MARROW, that was amazing, i am definitely going to do that again! 😍
Right afterwards we went upstairs to the second floor of the same building, into this place who is called "The Secret Bar", that place was so cool that we had to walk through a door who's built out of books! That was crazy! Honestly i would never figure out how to find this place if it weren't for them. The thing is that this place is like 'SECRET' so its dark, no flash from cameras allowed and ofcourse they make the best cocktails in town (too be honest i drank a couple a LONG ISLAND's, and it made me so drunk haha), there we met some friends of ours before we left, and we wanted before we are finishing the night to go dance for a bit, oh! and we offered them to join us, lucky they said yes because it upgraded the night for sure.
On the way to our last stop the alcohol % went down for me but i was still tipsy, which means i can handle another drink or two. 😌

This place is one of our favorites around for drinking with some good music around.
We arrived a bit late, so the party has already started, that's always fun and better than a place when everybody is still sober and no action is going. 😉
Ofcourse you can find us after we went in speaking to the bartender ordering drinks already and enjoying ourselves with the good vibes around.
For short, we spent a couple of hours there but in that time we managed to make some new crazy friends, learned how to avoid flying drinks on the dance floor (even my friends accidentally spilled mine twice). we were drunk as FU**, but nothing matters much because we had a great time!

Ofcourse i don't remember how i got home but it was worth it ✊.

Thanks for reading my first blog, it's been a pleasure and i will be more than greatful to hear your opinions.
Much love. 🐾❤🐼
