Monday, October 29, 2018

A World Where There Are Octobers

Some pictures from the month!

I went out to take pictures of leaves one day, but they are mostly all still green....

We went to the air show on the 14th.

I think this was the Warthog? They said they called them Warthogs because they're so ugly, but honestly, I didn't think they were that bad!

This little bastard... landed on my foot TWICE and just sat there like he owned the place. It was huge! I did not get stung though!

Mom got two cakes for her birthday this year!

Georgia won against Florida, and it had to be our matching outfits! Haha 😂

October is almost over! And it's finally starting to get chilly out! We only have two months left in 2018. How did that happen?!

XOXO, Ness

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sunday of Summer

I have heard August called "the Sunday of summer". But if you live in the south and have to go back to school in August, it's not really true. So weather wise, September is more like the Sunday of summer.

Well, to be honest, sometimes it's October. Or November or December. Or Summer just never ends and winter never comes. It's summer year round here.

But this year, we sent summer off with a beach trip to, you guessed it, St. George Island!

It was so humid! But no mosquitos this time! Honestly, I would take the humidity over bugs. I still have spots on my legs from July where the mosquitos attacked. But it was a really nice week! It rained a couple nights, and only once during the day that I can remember. We just happened to be on the beach when it did. We could see the storm, and it looked like it was way out over the ocean, but apparently not! So we got pelted! Oopes.

It was a very weird feeling leaving this time though. This was the first time that I left not knowing when I would be back. It was sad. I know I'll be back, but it's not so bad when I know exactly when that will be.

Also kinda sad, we had just gotten on the bridge to leave the island, and I remembered that I left my swimsuits in a drawer in my room.... I never use the drawers! And the suits I left in there were the ones I didn't wear, so I had some when I packed and didn't even think about it! I would've been so mad if I had actually forgotten them... But luckily I thought about it before it was too late! I was annoyed that we started the trip home having to backtrack though!

Anyway, now looking forward to fall and some cooler weather now that I have a little tan! I'm sure it'll be gone in two weeks, but I'm going to enjoy it while it's still here!

Water spout! If you look closely, you can see the bottom of it!

I love a nice porch.

Jesus clouds.

I took a lot of pictures of sea oats. Sorry not sorry.


Connor's highlighter swimsuit.

We did a serious one because when I checked my camera, everyone was smiling but Dad. So we all decided to take one where we look like serial killers.

We almost had a full moon there!

XOXO, Ness