



everyone needs to go read this entire article, the reports from both whistleblowers and prisoners are absolutely harrowing. its reported medical procedures (including at least one amputation) are being performed by under qualified staff, prisoners are not allowed to speak or move, and people in the hospital ward are cuffed to their beds in only diapers and fed through straws. satellite imaging of sde teiman from september 2023 vs march 2024 shows more than 100 structures have been added to the area of the military base/prison camp. cnn geolocated the leaked pictures (shown above and in the article) and determined they did in fact come from sde teiman, they also noted the structure holding prisoners “resembles an animal pen”. it cannot be understated how fucking evil what theyre doing is.

I’m scared to say this isn’t new because it feels like it takes away the gravity of the situation but like. It’s so important to understand that this isn’t just a response to October 7, we’ve had reports of Israel imprisoning and torturing Palestinions (including children) for a long time. Without charge, and trying them in military courts.

Don’t let any zionist tell you this is just an angry response to October 7 the way they tell you that bombing Gaza is just a response to October 7.