Arhi, 23, Self Taught Artist and tragically, a nerd via genetics.Welcome to my art page!

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Reblogged from catnippackets  24,389 notes


Ooh. Please please make more self-inserts. Not only is it fun you have no idea how much it can help you be kind to yourself. Have the hero of the franchise fall in love with you for what you think are your annoying quirks. Have the wisest man in that fictional world, tell others that your are the kindest and the smartest person he has ever met. Have the evil guy fall for you and revoke his evil ways cuz youre just that hot. Allow yourself to be loved by the fictional characters you look up to and in time you may also begin see how wonderful you really are.

“A beginning, an end-
A loop that returns us
back to before,
starting and ending
on the shore.
High in the tower,
and deep in the maw-
Watch for traps,
and their tricks.
But beware the yellow raincoat-
A monster called Six.”
[[MORE]]A redraw of this...

“A beginning, an end-

A loop that returns us

back to before,

starting and ending

on the shore.

High in the tower,

and deep in the maw-

Watch for traps,

and their tricks.

But beware the yellow raincoat-

A monster called Six.”

... Read more

A doodle dump of the man, the myth, the legend


He’s not even my favorite he just has so much meme potential. All he has to do is show up and his friends will immediately roast him.

Click for better quality!

Reblogs help artists a lot and are greatly appreciated. But these are doodles so I honestly don’t give a shit

Reblogged from catnippackets  1,013 notes


hi. i am a disabled non-binary person who has grown up in an abusive household that i cannot get out of because of my disability. today my dad threatened to beat me to death like with weapons in hand and everything and when i called the police no action was taken. currently trying to find somewhere i can go. if you. can spare anything to help get a place i would really appreciate it because the disability checks are pitiful and i can’t stay here any longer. i’m so scared

also if you are looking for a roommate in the california bay area please lmk

venmo: @trashpits

cashapp: shyghosts