Costume Designer /
Fashion Stylist

Originally from Seaside, California, Joleen Garnett is a Los Angeles based costume designer, celebrity stylist, and creative consultant.

With a bachelors degree in communication studies, Joleen’s career started in fashion pr. She quickly transitioned into styling for music artists such as Timbaland and One Republic, styling for music videos, tours, and tv performances on platforms such as SNL, Grammy’s, American Music Awards, and MTV Music Awards.

She has styled for the likes of Gordon Ramsay, Robert Downey Jr, Jaime Fox, Jeremy Piven, and Jason Statham for red-carpet appearances and world wide press tours.

Her work in commercials and print advertising includes clients such as Adidas, Buick, Amazon, Coca Cola, Nationwide and AT&T to name a few.

Joleen currently works costume designing and styling for live competition and unscripted reality television shows for NBC, FOX, CBS, Netflix, Nickelodeon, and National Geographic.

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