Lost Connection

It happened on a Saturday night… I could feel my mind growing heavy with anxiety and as much as I attempted to ignore it, my head was swirling with constant nagging thoughts… Before I knew it, I was laying in bed unable to breathe.


I felt like the person I knew I was (& still am) was being sneakily tucked away in a draw as social media consumed me in its smoke & mirrors.

For me, I never wanted social media to feel fake… There is enough of that on there as it is (both on social media and in the real world). However, the more I posted the more I felt myself being drained by the feeling that I had to be someone or/& impress people.

I’m an Aquarius… So, that did not sit well for me (didn’t last long either, hah)

The day after, I informed you all that I needed a break. I went away with both the intention of relaxing & figuring out what my “goal” was for social media.

Deep down I knew that what I wanted most was to build a platform, so I can have a voice… a voice that helps others. To use it for good.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to say... I guess I just wanted to update you all on what's going on in my life. 

I suppose, I just want to be real with you all. Whilst I truly do enjoy writing self-help posts & how truly, truly happy it makes me to see it actually helping some of you. I believe that we all need the realness & rawness of just connecting with people. Of just sitting down with or in my case writing to you that, I wasn't okay, but I'm better now.

Maybe more people wouldn't feel so terrible if they knew that feeling like crap is normal and 100% okay. We all have off days, & we all need time to ourselves.

I urge you to take breaks. If something is making you feel disconnected with yourself, stop & figure out what it is. 

Ways I Like to Reconnect:

Give yourself some quiet time to just think & organize your thoughts. You might want to write things out to make it easier.

Go for walks (preferably in nature). Walking is another way to clear your head as well as getting a little exercise.

Tidy your room/surrounding. Again, this helps to not only keep up with cleaning but also to organize your brain.

Honestly, I love pamper sessions (look out for a blog post on that ;)) and if you're like me then you'll enjoy the time to yourself to just bathe in a bubble bath & put on a face mask, maybe light a candle for ultimate relaxation time.

Hang out with good people. Whether this be family or friends, there is nothing like great people to ground you, as well as helping to lift your spirits.

Oh, and probably most importantly... Take a break from whatever disconnected you (or get rid of it entirely if possible)... For me it was social media, so I got to enjoy not touching my phone for a few days & just lived in the moment!

I hope you all enjoyed this new blog post...
As of this post I will be posting more regularly (not every day tho) both on insta/twitter & here.

Let me know how you're doing & what you do to take a break from it all...

So much love for you.

Enjoy photos from my trip to the Art Museum <3


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