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Edgar P. Jacobs got The Yellow postMark

A commemorative stamp from 2004 for BD master Edgar P. Jacobs including the famous yellow mark from one of the best, if not the best, Blake and Mortimer adventures. I got it, if I my memory doesn’t fail me, from a letter from Casterman while working at a now defunct publishing house in Barcelona.

Comics are cool!
Yes, they are and those that Daniel Clowes’ certified cool logo tells to pay extra attention to in the Previews catalog are even cooler. He designed the certified cool logo for Capital City Distributors’ Advance Comics catalog and it...
Comics are cool!
Yes, they are and those that Daniel Clowes’ certified cool logo tells to pay extra attention to in the Previews catalog are even cooler. He designed the certified cool logo for Capital City Distributors’ Advance Comics catalog and it...

Comics are cool!

Yes, they are and those that Daniel Clowes’ certified cool logo tells to pay extra attention to in the Previews catalog are even cooler. He designed the certified cool logo for Capital City Distributors’ Advance Comics catalog and it started appearing in the Previews catalog after Diamond Comics bought Capital City in the summer of 1996.

This bumper sticker was a Previews giveaway. I’ve seen it stuck on some comic-book stores’ doors. Good times!

Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira Pills

These were made by Ediciones B to promote Akira’s original black and white edition here in Spain. It’s a fun way to promote Otomo’s manga and they are cool bookmarks to boot.

Ediciones B had already published Epic’s version with Steve Oliff’s colours in the early nineties but in Glénat’s bigger European album format.

Marvel Burger Coupon

Marvel used this coupon for a fictional Marvel Burger place to promote Nova’s 1999 series by Erik Larsen (scripts and covers) and Joe Bennett (pencils). It features art from Larsen’s cover for issue number one. That was a really fun and funny way to promote a comic-book. I am glad I followed the coupon’s advice because I really enjoyed this Nova series even if, unfortunately, it only lasted for seven issues.

Comics Forum 10th Anniversary Sticker

Promotional sticker from 1992 celebrating thirty years of Marvel Comics and ten years of Comics Forum; Marvel’s publisher in Spain from 1982 until the mid 2000s. They gave these stickers at their Saló Del Còmic de Barcelona booth.

I don’t know whose art is featured in it but that Wolverine looks like early Salvador Larroca to me. If anyone knows the artist or artists, please let me know. Thank you in advance!

Rob Liefeld’s X-Force promotional trading cards
I can’t believe that twenty-three years have already passed since X-Force #1 came out and I bought it at my friendly neighborhood comic-book store. I only bought one copy and got the Deadpool card, so...
Rob Liefeld’s X-Force promotional trading cards
I can’t believe that twenty-three years have already passed since X-Force #1 came out and I bought it at my friendly neighborhood comic-book store. I only bought one copy and got the Deadpool card, so...

Rob Liefeld’s X-Force promotional trading cards

I can’t believe that twenty-three years have already passed since X-Force #1 came out and I bought it at my friendly neighborhood comic-book store. I only bought one copy and got the Deadpool card, so somebody from school must have given me his Sunspot & Gideon card.

These cards were included in the polybagged first issue of X-Force. A complete collection should include cards for Cable, Shatterstar and a group shot of X-Force. You can see a miniature version of the other cards in the X-Force Card-Shirts cards. The cards are kind of cool but those t-shirts look ridiculous.

I still keep the polybag somewhere around the house. Maybe I’ll scan it and post it in the near future.

David Mazzucchelli’s La Geómétrie De L'Obsession
This book, published in 1997 by French publisher Éditions Cornélius, reprints two short stories from Mazzucchelli’s anthology Rubber Blanket (Near Miss and Discovering America) and another one from...
David Mazzucchelli’s La Geómétrie De L'Obsession
This book, published in 1997 by French publisher Éditions Cornélius, reprints two short stories from Mazzucchelli’s anthology Rubber Blanket (Near Miss and Discovering America) and another one from...
David Mazzucchelli’s La Geómétrie De L'Obsession
This book, published in 1997 by French publisher Éditions Cornélius, reprints two short stories from Mazzucchelli’s anthology Rubber Blanket (Near Miss and Discovering America) and another one from...
David Mazzucchelli’s La Geómétrie De L'Obsession
This book, published in 1997 by French publisher Éditions Cornélius, reprints two short stories from Mazzucchelli’s anthology Rubber Blanket (Near Miss and Discovering America) and another one from...

David Mazzucchelli’s La Geómétrie De L'Obsession

This book, published in 1997 by French publisher Éditions Cornélius, reprints two short stories from Mazzucchelli’s anthology Rubber Blanket (Near Miss and Discovering America) and another one from Fantagraphics’ anthology Zero Zero (Stop The Hair Nude).

You can see themes in these stories that appeared years later on Asterios Polyp.

In addition to the photo of the cover I have posted one page for each story. I apologize for the quality of the photos: I was holding the book with one hand and the camera with the other.

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