I am *a Lolita
www.lolita.life (to be released)
*A Fashion Monster http://lookbook.nu/queenofs2s
*A Hama Beads Etsy Owner www.etsy.com/shop/IttyBeadyLand (Hiatus)
*A Philatelist www.theworldinpaper.com/ (Hiatus)
*And a Wiccan Priestess find me on G+ or FB. I will only add you once we meet and like each other ok?

Daniel Hart Interview: AMC's Interview With The Vampire

Warning: SPOILERS for Interview with the Vampire episode 6.The finale of AMC’s Interview with the Vampire season 1 is just around the corner, after an exciting episode 6 continued to affirm the vampire Lestat’s fascination with, and hold on, Louis de Pointe du Lac.

Apr 26th, 2023
The Real-Life Witches Behind The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina

While The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a fictional creation, the show’s creators have based quite a few of its concepts on real-world ties to witchcraft and the occult.

Dec 30th, 2022
Roman December Festivals: Bona Dea, Consualia, Opalia, Angeronalia, and Larentalia

The tenth month of the old calendar, December marked the end of the agricultural year and the beginning of winter for the Romans.

Dec 30th, 2022
Jacob Anderson Has Been Waiting His Whole Career for a Show Like “Interview with the Vampire”

Your ears will pick up the world like a maddening symphony. You will be filled with all the life you can hold.

Dec 27th, 2022
AMC Talk

Based on Anne Rice’s iconic novel, Interview with The Vampire follows Louis de Pointe du Lac’s (Jacob Anderson) epic tale of love, blood, and the perils of immortality.

Dec 27th, 2022

Mokosh (Old East Slavic: Мóкошь) is a Slavic goddess mentioned in the Primary Chronicle, protector of women’s work and women’s destiny.[1] She watches over spinning and weaving, shearing of sheep,[2] and protects women in childbirth. Mokosh is the Mother Goddess.[3]

Mar 19th, 2022
Moms Are Sharing The Sexist Double Standards They Have To Deal With, And It's Sad How Common It Is

While the term “daddy privilege” may be relatively new, the concept behind it isn’t. It’s basically when dads get treated differently and are often praised for things that moms do on a daily basis.

Dec 24th, 2021
A psychotherapist says parents who raise confident, mentally strong kids always do these 3 things when praising their children

As parents, we want our kids to feel good about themselves, so we try to praise them as much as possible. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Research shows that there are benefits to praising kids. A simple compliment can generate self-worth and pride.

Jul 25th, 2021
Archaeologists Have Discovered 110 Tombs From Three Different Eras of Ancient Egyptian History in the Nile Delta

Excavations at an ancient site in the Nile Delta have uncovered no less than 110 tombs dating from three different periods of ancient Egyptian history. The find includes 68 oval-shaped tombs from the predynastic Buto Period (6000–3150 B.C.

May 9th, 2021
The international parents raising Dutch-speaking children: ‘It’s funny not understanding your own child’

What can you expect when children in the Netherlands learn Dutch within a non-Dutch household? DutchNews.nl discovers that the triumphs mostly exceed the trials, but accepting difference is key.

Mar 22nd, 2021