Loving That Human Skeleton Cover!

Let me start by saying how freaking annoying it is when people think pictures like these shouldn’t be posted. Like, if you’re showing your body (god forbid what a disgusting idea) then your this horrible human slut thing. I like naked photos, not like completely on show naked – no judgement – but where people can use there eyes falling in social media love with how my body is really adorable. I know, i posted two of the same but I’m full of love for meeh.   😎

me 1


Let’s just create a scenario here; one person wakes up, thinks ‘yeh, I’m pretty cool today’ and is like ‘Lemme take a picture in these awesome matching underwears’, then they see this cool, completely satisfying picture so they’re like, why keep this piece of art from the small world that is social media. They post the photo and you know, some people are like ‘yeh go girl’, but then there’s the ones who are all about how gross it is and commenting like ‘discuisting girl, cover up’. Β  Β  I know, poppycock. 😌😌

So, next part of this; A person wakes up, is like ‘jeez mother nature, what’s with the heat’, it’s like Jamaica hot on this morning so they’re like ‘Gonna beach it today’. They set out for the beach, all packed and ready for the day when they’re like, ‘I need me a hot bikini tho’. So they pick which ones going under there shorts when they’re like ‘WOW!!. I have to photo this’. They take that awesome shot and posts the masterpiece on that small world we mentioned previously. Β They’re like ‘Beach today guys’. People are commenting like ‘ wooh, yeh girl, it’s a hot day, go get a hella suntan’ and ‘ Looking good girl, where that bikini from ? Gotta get me one of those!’.

me 3


Like, you feel where I’m at with this ? Both persons are freaking flawless, both persons are wearing the same amount of clothes in the same places, but because one queen was wearing a certain material ya’ll will be hating on them. Its kinda completely fucked up-(language). When I post myself in full view there’s always people who are like totally not feeling it. Some fam too. Peoples comments are like, “Shouldn’t be on FB”. People are like “It’s disgusting” and “Put some clothes on”. Like, seriously, girl, boy, persons of the world, nothing intimaite is showing; no boobies or lady areas, man areas or other ‘private secret places are on view. It’s just a photo of a person with an adorably lovely human skeleton cover. Peace out, much πŸ’Ÿ


me 2
