Together, let's give the Ocean a voice @COP21! #OceanforClimate

Together, let's give the Ocean a voice @COP21! #OceanforClimate

Lancée le
19 mai 2015
Adressée à
The signatory countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Cette pétition a abouti avec 19 874 signatures !

Pourquoi cette pétition est importante

Lancée par Sylvia EARLE

The ocean, to me, to us, is beautiful, immense, and infinite. The ocean makes us dream. It is the source of all Life on not only our planet, but our parent’s and our children’s planet. Not so long ago we discovered that the Ocean is our "blue lung". It produces half of our oxygen, allowing us to breathe anywhere on Earth.

The Ocean is also the heart of our climate. It is our planet’s thermostat: with its hot and cold currents, it carries all that is necessary for our climate to keep in balance.

However the Ocean is undergoing pollution as well as climate change, which are leading it to gradually warm-up and breathe less easily. With the warming, melting ice-caps, rising sea levels, ocean acidification (disappearance of corals), the Ocean is presently suffering in silence.

In December 2015, in Paris, policymakers from around the world will gather for an international conference on the Climate.

The Ocean, which has been producing for us since the past billions of years and is still protecting us from global warming, has yet not been invited to talk about our future. Too few decision-makers know that the protection of our climate starts with the protection of the Ocean. This should be done fast, very fast.

Indeed everything is not lost. We can still reverse the trend. We can still protect the Ocean and our Climate !

How ?

By signing our Call and urging all our friends and family to do the same.

It will be presented to the world’s policy-makers during the Paris 2015 Climate Conference. Help us to collect 100,000 signatures so they may truly change the lines of the climate negotiations !

By adding our voices to those of scientists, navigators, associations that mobilize during the negotiations, let the voice of the Ocean be heard !

The countdown is on !

A healthy ocean means a protected climate.

Together, let’s give the ocean a voice.

Find the Ocean’s call for the Climate and it’s claims as they are to be addressed by the Ocean and Climate Platform to the signatories of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change:


French - Spanish - ArabicItalian - Swedish


Cette pétition a abouti avec 19 874 signatures !

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  • The signatory countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change