Booby Traps

Hello friends!  Human here.  The unfortunate state of our local park(s) have compelled me to go on this lengthy rant this morning.  The final straw?  Freshly broken glass from a beer bottle on the sidewalk.  Hunter and I were literally half an inch from stepping into that mess.  Luckily I caught it in time and pulled him off to the side.  We ended up walking on the street.  And if you’re wondering how I’m feeling at the moment.  Well, I’m mad as hell!  Not solely because of Hunter.. but also because thought of a child or an elderly person actually tripping and falling onto the glass also flashed through my mind.

We live in one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in Brooklyn, New York.  While the thought of having a park right around the corner appears to be convenient,  I can assure you that it isn’t necessarily always the best place to walk your four-legged companion.  In my case, Hunter.   Our park is laced with booby traps.  Some in plain sight.  Some hidden.  People enjoy tossing their food scraps into the tall grass (even though there are trash bins everywhere)… and most times it’s the dreaded chicken bones.  Hunter has gotten his paws on a few.  Garbage such as dirty tissue and old newspapers everywhere!  Then we have the soda can plastic rings.  And worst of all, we have glass everywhere!  I mean.. you might ask me why I automatically made the assumption that people break glass on purpose.  Fair enough.  Let’s give some people the benefit of doubt.  It was accidental.  However, even if it was accidental, all you’d have to do was take one look around and see how many young children run around the park, some barefooted, playing in the water.  As adults, wouldn’t you make do with whatever you have at the moment and try to clean the mess up?   I know I would.  In addition, I’ve also witness a few boneheads toss glass bottles at each other on purpose… because geee, isn’t it so much fun to throw glass bottles at each other?  

While the solution is simple – Put your trash in the trash bins!  People in my neighborhood will NOT do so.  They’re probably used to being kings and queens at home and expect the city to do so.  So my solution?  Determine whether the booby traps in our local park are minimal.  If so, we stay and play.  If not, we walk to a further park.  Hunter doesn’t seem to mind at all.  The further parks have better grass!

Plus, he’s usually a good helped and will carry his own drool soaked frisbee home!

Thank you friends for listening to my rant.  I feel a lot better.   By the way, we went on a family vacation to Maine last week.  Hunter had an absolute blast!  We’re going to post some pictures later this week!  Until next time!

Happy Anniversary Boy!

Hello friends! It’s been a while again.   Today marks a very very very special day.  Three years ago, a very special someone came into our family.  We’ve learned a lot from one another during this time together.  Hunter has taught us patience, responsibility, trust, and mostly importantly – unconditional love.  No matter how bad of a day we think we’re having, he cheers us up with his warm smile and slobbery kisses.  While he still has his moments, we continue to work through them together.

 Being weird with me.  What else is new?Sharing  a special papa-boy moment. Staring at papa, hoping he’d wake up to play fetch with him. Hunter with his grandma and stinky little cousin. We love you boy. ❤

Until next time.

Puppy blog #160: Uncle Fernando

Woof woof! Blogging as part of a special request from Uncle Fernando.  Apparently he misses my posts.  Because my Uncle Fernando is such a young (not) and hip (definitely not) hooman, I decided to post some pictures of my hipness.  🙂

Too cool for school. Super fly for a furry guyYo Uncle Fernando
You could be da man doe
Your crow’s feet and wrinkles
Can make all the ladies’ feet crinkle
It’s time to find a wife
Someone for the rest of your life
Hurry cause you’re kinda old now
Plus I see some grey in your brows, OUCH!

 You’re welcome.  Have a fantastic hump day Uncle Fernando! Hunter out.