

Hey! I’m Destinie (Des-tin-ee), and thank you for visiting my page. I created this blog; not that I’m this magnificent writer, but because I wanted to share my personal stories and thoughts with you. ‘Paradise Vibes‘ – came from the vision of having a lifestyle that most only dream of; “Paradise” isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. My dream here is to hope that there is someone out there who reads one of my posts and can be inspired. I decided to be an open book, when most keep theirs a secret. I’m getting uncomfortable you can say. Maybe we have a similar past, can relate through similar struggles, different experiences or adventures, or can connect by having similar passions.

I can tell you average things about myself, like my favorite color, age, and where I’m from; But than again, that’s simply average.  Just know that I’m a young Womanpreneur, a visionary, who is motivated by freedom, love, and doing what makes me happy, seeing new places, and simply celebrating life. I believe that tomorrow is never promised, and that the World is bigger than our backyard. I believe that everyone should live life to the fullest, take risks, and do whatever it is that gives them fulfillment; because then again, we have only one life, and only so many tomorrow’s.


Love, Destinie ❤