Horse and Family Photography that celebrates the wild & free spirit inside you

Serving families in North Carolina and beyond

Authentic lifestyle photography that captures your magical moments and preserves them in photos you will forever cherish.

ways to work together

You will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

Photographs are meant to be printed, hung on walls, etched forever into photo albums and held close to our hearts. They should be tangible pieces that document the stories of our lives and our love.

If you don't recount your family history, it will be lost. Honor your own stories and tell them, too. The tales may not seem very important, but they are what binds families and makes each of us who we are.

- Madeline L'Engle

How we can tell your story...

Our most popular offering because it encompasses a variety of different session types. This is for you is you're looking to photograph your family, capture milestones such as senior year, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It’s also the perfect option for a couples session. Family/Lifestyle Sessions are the perfect way to document the seasons of life together.

Horse-lovers have a special bond with their horses and this session is designed to capture it! Some prefer to have a heavier focus on their horse alone, others prefer to be included in their images together. Whichever you choose, I love to capture these majestic animals and I love to photograph them with their owners even more!

The Legacy Session is incredibly special - a beautifully detailed and connected experience that will leave you and your family with tangible memories that will last lifetimes. Each Legacy Session is created individually to document your specific story or the focus of your session in this season of life.

Meet Shelley

A police officer turned emotive photographer who's passionate about capturing true beauty in the imperfect, unposed moments.

I believe the printed picture is priceless. Let’s walk together and honor the story of your love for each other. Allow yourself to be immersed in the imperfectly beautiful moments that beg to be documented and cherished. Hug your babies. Kiss your loved ones. Embrace vulnerability. I promise to capture these beautiful, authentic moments in pictures that will live forever in your hearts.

Summiting Mount Evans in CO

When moments become precious memories...

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