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Remember when you were young and your parents told you to always eat your fruits and vegetables?  Even if you don't want to (mainly the vegetables because of how horrible they are) ... you still have to eat it in order to become healthy ... and of course, you have to eat them because your parents told you so.  Although this may sound a bit offensive to some of you, here's another scenario:  You were a young child, and you went to the doctor's office because you are sick.  One of the nurses checked your weight and performed other vital signs.  The doctor told you about your illness and prescribed you medications.  Before the doctor dismissed you, he or she told you that he/she is concerned about your "obese weight".  Thus, he/she ordered you to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and  cut down on the junk stuff.  And of course, you should do so because (1)  your doctor told you so and (2) you want to live a healthy lifestyle. All this time as a young child, yo
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"Happy Health-sgiving!!"

Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to the people who are always there for us.  Without "thanksgiving", we might take many things for granted.  Other than the people we trust, there's another important thing that you should NEVER take for granted...and that's your overall HEALTH.  For some, Thanksgiving Day is about gathering around the table and gobbling down on turkey, gravy, rice, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, glazed ham, pumpkin pie, banana pie, custard pie...yum yum yum!!  BUT HALT MR. RUDY!!  Don't try to overindulge yourself!!   Remember, we want to make sure that you remain healthy for the rest of your life...even during the holidays. I watched the news the other day regarding Thanksgiving meal, and there were some facts that blew my mind away.  Surprisingly, on Thanksgiving Day, we consumed an estimated 4,000 CALORIES ...that's TWICE the amount of calories that we typically need for 1 day!!  So how can we maintain a healthy lifestyle on Turkey

New B/P Guidlines Could Spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E For Many!

Have you heard?   The American Heart Association are lowering the threshold for high blood pressure.  "140/90" was considered as the number for high blood pressure, but now they decided to alleviate the number to "130/80".  This adds a lot of problems, especially for 30 million Americans, in which it indicates that the majority of the individuals in America are now having hypertension  (a medical term for high blood pressure). Hypertension can lead to heart attacks, stroke, and other medical problems.  However, there are some ways to alleviate the harmful effects of hypertension.  Some of the solutions include exercising and limit the amount of fats in your diet. In my opinion, I find this problematic.  Throughout my healthcare experience since high school, I knew the fact that the normal blood pressure is "120/80".  With this new guideline, even this normal range indicates hypertension.  I bet this will be an outrage throughout the entire medical fiel

Surprising Health Facts For Your Birthday Life

Ladies and gentlemen!  Boys and girls!  May I have your attention, please?  Today is November 9 ... a.k.a. "my birthday"!!  In case you're wondering, I am turning 22 today!!  I'm not sure what I will do on my birthday, but I hope that it'll be enjoyable. Speaking of birthdays... for this special post, I will share some health facts about birthdays.  There are some facts that others might find okay to handle...and there are some that might seem a bit daunting...and there are also some facts that might be "fake news" but sounds intriguing.  But still, it is better to know because we might need them later on in life. FACT #1: People who are born in May, July, August, and October are more likely to have asthma.  Weather that involves high heat and high humidity can trigger dust-mite exposure.  When the sun starts to peak early in the morning, it's not just you who will wake up... (Just saying!)  If you are born in an environment polluted with dust

"Home Health" Care

Today's discussion will be about home health care.  Wait, let me properly emphasize the last words... "Home Health" Care.  No, I'm not talking about the health care services given at a person's home.  I'm talking about how to care for your home in order for it to become healthy...and to keep you healthy as well. First of all, let me ask you this... Is your home considered "healthy"?  I'm sure that everyone will having a hard time answering this question TRUTHFULLY.  Surprisingly, we have so many  essential products and appliances in our homes that we are not aware if it is good for us or not.  It is like we just take things for granted without knowing the consequences.  Essential items include chemical cleaners, laundry detergent pods, space heaters, antibacterial soap, and even indoor plants and flowers.  But don't just blame those products...blame dust as well!!  They are dirty, and they will upset your body system. Watch the video (in

Blood Of Mumps?? NO AMEN!!

Are you or someone you know is Catholic?  If so, chances are that during a mass, your are given the Body of Christ (which is actually the sacramental bread or as I called it "white flat cookie") and the Blood of Christ (which is actually wine).  All churches give out the bread, but a few (if not, some) churches give out the wine...and surprisingly, throughout my experience, all churches in Hawaii are like that.  The church that my parents and I go to gives out only the bread (and never the wine). Why do you think some churches DO NOT give the Blood of Christ, despite that Jesus does so as a Catholic tradition?  One understandable reason is that it may contain alcohol.  Yes, when you drink wine, you are drinking alcohol, and it can be a bit dangerous.  I believed in this reason...but this past Sunday, my friend texted me something that caught my attention...and it basically reveals the second reason why the Blood of Christ is not given in some churches, even those in Hawaii.

Preventing Parkinson's ... By Becoming Physical

Parkinson's disease is a serious degenerative disease of the nervous system that occurs usually in the elderly and should never be looked away.  It occurs when the nerve cells in the brain produce insufficient amount of dopamine, a brain chemical (or a neurotransmitter) that controls the brain's reward and pleasure centers, as well as regulating movement and emotional response.   Although some symptoms are involved (such as stiffness of the extremities, slow movements or bradykinesia, and poor balance), the main symptom is tremors, or "abnormal shaking". Treatments options for Parkinson's disease include medications (such as dopamine agonists and anticholinergic agents), electrical stimulation, and surgery.  However, the safest treatment (or perhaps the perfect remedy) to cure Parkinson's disease is exercise.  On Take 2, they made an announcement about the Hawaii Parkinson's Walk at Magic Island taken place this Saturday (which is technically today), and