June 2019 favourites

June has been a pretty intense month for me, filled with ups & downs (especially the latter). I could describe in detail all the things that disappointed me, irradiating dissatisfaction and ennui like nobody’s business, but I doubt that would be entertaining (unless you, dear reader, are an emo and/or Kierkegaard: in that case let me know and I will send you a very depressing private message for you to mourn on XD ), so let’s concentrate on the positive stuff, shall we?

The fairest of them all

Nail polish (almost) never fails to relax me and help me empty my mind. Shallow? Maybe, but a girl needs her lighthearted moments! The shades I loved the most this past month are mainly holos, because what else can you do under the scorching sun but stare at the rainbow on your nails?

From top to bottom, we have:
– Enchanted Studio Cosmic Coolaid, in two coats without top coat: I highly enjoyed that tone of purple, with all the scattered sparkle as a cherry on top!
– A England Mustardseed A Fairy: a surprise favourite! This polish looks different according to the lighting: on the pink-ish side under the sun, a rusty colour indoors, under artificial lighting. Stunning either way. And me saying that a pink/coral polish is stunning is a lot. Like, big deal.
– ‘Ard As Nails I love you hunny bunny: my one and only AAN. At first I wasn’t fond of it, because the application was slightly less pleasant than I expected (is the heat to blame?), but when I went outside… BOOM! Super saturated, super holographic, super pretty. I might have drooled a bit.
– Pahlish Electrique: my Pahlish-mania dates back to 2013 or 2014, but it’s frustrated by the fact that it’s not an easy task for me to obtain those precious bottles, due to importing restrictions and lack of EU-based stockists. But where there’s a will there’s a way! Electrique is one of my first acquisitions from the brand. It’s nice in the bottle, but totally gorgeous on the nails! Look at the flakies!!!
– Emily de Molly Gilded Beauties: this is a magnetic topper that caused me more drooling when I applied it over a dark gray base. I risked severe dehydration in June, apparently! Nail polish idolatry is a dangerous lifestyle, you guys! XD

Honourable mentions

These are polishes that I liked on my nails just a hair less than the previous ones, but that I still consider gorgeous:
– Polished for Days Vitae: another magnetic polish that is totally mezmerising. I used a neodymium ring magnet from KBShimmer to achieve the effect you see.
– Lilypad Lacquer Unicorn Lagoon: such a pretty glow!
– Sinful Colors Savage: a turquoise matte polish that I really enjoyed wearing. Photos don’t do it justice!

Other favourites


Last month I headed north with my readings: Iceland with Arnaldur Indridason, Denmark with Jussi Adler-Olsen and Estonia with Arno Saar, the Baltic alter ego of Alessandro Perissinotto. I especially appreciated Perissinotto’s novel, “La neve sotto la neve (The snow under the snow)” for the ability of the author to describe a brutal, despicable situation with delicacy. Yes, all these books are crime stories – what can I say, as a vampire, I like blood!

Movies and (Netflix) shows

The nicest movie I’ve watched lately was the least promising (to my taste): it’s called About Time and it’s a Btitish romantic comedy about a boy who has the ability to travel in time. Sounds lame, but it’s not, I promise.
I also had fun watching Tower Heist – but I like everything with Ben Stiller in it!
Last but not the least, The killing of a Sacred Deer, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, is unusual and not so easy to process, but definitely worth a try: it’s the story of a man that is forced to make the most difficult choice imaginable. For those who are familiar with the subject, the movie is based on Euripides’ tragedy Iphigenia in Aulis.

Bramer, The Sacrifice of Iphigenia

As far as Netflix shows are concerned, I was SUPER bummed to hear that Santa Clarita Diet was cancelled. I’m going to miss Joel and Sheila, Eric and Abby (and Mr Ball Legs) so much! I’m a picky eater when it comes to series, but this one stole my heart. I also re-re-watched The IT Crowd, because it’s genius and I can’t get enough. I’m currently trying I-zombie, which I like, but am not in love with (except for Ravi, who is adorable inside and out).

Well, this post is becoming a bit too lengthy, so I should probably say bye for now and see you soon!


DISCLAIMER: All nail polish related photos are my own. All the polishes were purchased by me with my own money.
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