Come ski with me

Hey friends,

I’ve recently returned from my college ski trip. I had never been before so I was excited yet anxious about what to expect (and pack). Worry ye not past Kate and future ski trip takers as I am here to pass on some basis advice about my trip, advice which I would have wanted to knowing before I’d gone.

Rule one; get some form of lessons. The pizza and chips logic got us where we needed to go for the week. Youtube it or I will personally show you on demand, anytime, anywhere.

Rule two; dress all the colours of the rainbow so if you go on an off piste adventure for one, someone can spot your little lost butt.

Rule three; if you think you’re about to go off on one of those adventures outlined above… say a prayer and theatrically, with or without sound effects throw your little cute but volatile rainbow self on the lovely fluffy snow.


This is probably the number one thing, beside perishing in an avalanche, that was bothering me about the trip. We went via coach bus so thankfully there wasn’t technically a baggage allowance however we mainly kept it to max 20kg rucksack. Also we were sharing the apartment with others so it was nice not having to store a suitcase. We went for 8 days, 6 of which were skiing days. So I only brought one ski suit i.e. ski pants and ski jacket(borrowed with gratitude) plus my navy puffer which I could wear skiing and at nighttime. It was more than enough. I remember thinking that I needed at least 2-3 ski suits but the one did me just fine. As far as what to wear underneath, layers are your friend. First, I wore a long sleeve t-shift (penny’s eco ones) and leggings (whatever gym ones I already had). Some days I wore an extra thick long sleeve top, days where I was feeling extra vulnerable (and hungover).

Then I wore a fleece, so nice and cosy. I went to regatta after Christmas and got 3 for half price. The 3/4 zip ones are my favourite. Then a hoodie and your ski jacket and skit pants. I bought all my thermal socks from penny’s and they were perfect. Some ski socks were 15 euro per pair. Notions says I. Then I wore waterproof gloves, gotten as a gift but deffo wore investing in some legit gloves. Cold hands=cold hearts. I wore a snood over my face most days and then a beanie and your helmet and your goggles and you’re good to glide. Also sunglasses.

Total: I ski jacket. 1 ski pants. 2 beanies. 2 snoods. 6 pairs of leggings and long sleeve t-shirts (deffo change ever day). 6 pairs of socks. 1 pair of high quality waterproof gloves. 3 extra thermal tops. 1 bandana (for comfort, sthyle and also in case you need a impromptu sling or tourniquet… it happens okay, I watch Bear Grylls ).

Nighttime clothing

This was also something that baffled me. We went out most nights during the trip . I wore basically want I’d wear here on a causal night out just minus the bare legs. Jeans and jumpers, skirts and tights. And then I’d wear my puffer jacket over it all. I loved how causal the nightlife was. Literally anything goes, super chill and causal these snowsports gang are and without fear of sounding like a mum it was not a fashion show. Comfort and warmth but then make it fashion. The nightclubs (and my dancing) were red hot so I didn’t go too crazy with the layering at night. I wore my biker boots or superstar runners. They were fine because we walked mainly on paths and walked very quickly.

*when life gives you conjunctivitis go to the club in your glasses*

this was shit shirt night, a rule that some stuck to more than others @zoe^^^

Food and drank

We stopped off at a big supermarket before heading up the mountain and stocked up on the essentials- bread, Nutella, vodka. The usual. At the resort there was a shop too which was handy for anything missed… we ate a lot of bread. Mostly we had breakfast in the apartment and late lunch/ dinner away. The food in the restaurants at the resort was pretty hit and miss so snacks are your friend. In the middle of the week, we had lunch on top of the mountain we were skiing on and it was the most delicious plate of overpriced risotto and creme brûlée I have ever had. I am a firm believer of treating oneself.

I also highly suggest that if the opportunity to eat fondu in a traditional yurt ever presents itself to you, you should take it.

We drank a lot of hot chocolate too, one afternoon we got a €28 bill for 4 delicate but delicious money cups, ah to be young and wild.

We did partake in the odd tipple of a wee alcoholic beverage, vivre le France. Drinking is highly encouraged but none of us skied drunk because c’mon.

Après ski

Skiing usually starts and ends early because of visibility so by about 4:30 pm each day a wonderful phenomenon known as après ski descends. It was so much fun. Everyone is just outside in the open air bar in all their ski gear bopping along to mainstream hip hop as it gets darker and the fairy lights get brighter. We would have few beers at this and then at about 8 head back to the apartment, have dinner ( some bread and pasta combination) and then head out to the clubs at midnight. A nap and shower at some stage is recommended.


I’ll admit I was genuinely fearful about going skiing. You hear the horror stories and I am uncoordinated at the best of times never mind on ice. Thankfully we all got away injury free and I genuinely had such a laugh, laughing at myself mostly. I did eventually get the hang of it and felt proud that I gave it a go.

My biggest thank you to everyone who helped me on the slopes especially Megan, Hannah, Molly, Zoe and Eva who became impromptu ski instructors. I felt very vulnerable and outside of my comfort zone skiing so I am extremely grateful that I had these people with me to help, support and encourage.

Also are you really a novice skier if you don’t go back to the shop halfway through the week to ask them to check your skis cos there’s no way you could be THAT terrible?!

I don’t think the winter Olympics is for me but I am really glad that I went and I have never laughed so much. I say I fell 100 times at least but tis not in the falling but in the rising… or something like that.

Life lessons

I suppose it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t add a bit of fluff to the end. I am one walking ball of feelings and metaphors after all. The main thing that I took away from skiing was how mindful it actually is and I understand how people can get addicted to it. You are so acutely aware of your present moment and your mind is fixed on the present. You’re not worried about your phone or last week or exams you are literally just on the top of the mountain trying to get down with your life and relative dignity.

Also, I learned that people are sound and generally want to help and teach others struggling for no other reason then just to be kind and it warmed my heart to see the goodness in others shine through. 99% of the people I met and got to know were golden.

To leave you with an anecdote…

We were heading down a very steep slope… like I mean you couldn’t see over it and we were just expected to blindly ski down it. I knew it was far too advance for me. So myself and my friend decided after almost 15 mins of pure silent struggle that we would say f*ck it and take off our skis and slide down it ourselves on our butts like a slip and slide . Once this happened it started the most beautiful change reaction of other unclipped skiers sliding down behind us in an orderly fashion. We formed a little Congo line of struggle.

What am getting at is the very obvious metaphor presented to us that day ( okay I know it’s all getting abit leaving cert English but stick with me). We all struggle and pretend we’re not. Something destructive that your mind does during a difficult times is that it isolates you and makes you feel like you are the only person in the world who has ever felt this way. Chances are you’re not. We feel immense relief when others admit their struggling because all at once we’re not alone.

Look out for those times in life when you come up against a big cliff or steep edge that you can’t see over and that scares you. Sometimes the wisest and bravest thing to do is unclip your skis, admit you’re scared, grab a friend and slide down it. Give up on the idea of this is how you do things and admit that you need help. We couldn’t change the size of the mountain or the fact that we had to get down it but we didn’t have to do it alone and scared, we could laugh at ourselves. Either way we all ended up at the same place.

I think that if you reach out to others during hard times and can find the humour in any situation then you can survive it. And when you succumb to your humanness it gives other people permission to do the same ( and maybe even form a Congo line behind you).

Bonus tip of the blog:

Stay far far far away from skier/snowboarder/sailor/skateboarder dudes with long hair and an accent that promise you the moon. Cowabuno.

Will I ever learn.


Nurse’s strike, my thoughts

Hey friends,

I am a third year student nurse. I was genuinely stunned when I first entered nursing. Clinical placement ( the time you work in hospital wards as a student, 35 hours a week for free) shook me to my core back in first year. You meet people at their very worst and are allowed into their darkest moments.

However in exchange you get a glimpse into faith, the power of family, the hope of better days, the magic of a good cup of tea, how laughter, banter and visitors heal, how kindness is catching and how we are all connection through the share experience of being human.

Walking into the ward in first year with 3 months of theory behind me felt like going to the moon. After some initial teething problems I grew to value, appreciate and enjoy the career.

The life of a nurse is not for the faint hearted. Not a day goes by that I do not find myself truly touched by humanity. I see great loss and greater love. Caring for strangers does something to you and you leave each day feeling like you have made a difference.

I have learnt a lot about life through nursing and feel like I myself have grown stronger and more compassionate as a result.

However, the current climate in Irish hospitals has left myself and my fellows lost for words. If only we could film the 13 hour work life of a nurse then maybe things would change.

Basic care is the pillar of nursing. When the chips are down, the small things become the big things. We as nurses know this and try to do for people when they can’t themselves. Feeding, changing, toileting, minding, reassuring, mobilising, adjusting, cleaning, treating, laughing with, holding, listening, medicating, answering questions, standing up for patients, advocating, advising, empowering are just a few of the actions that nurses do on a daily basis.

Staffing is beyond low. Hospitals are struggling to hire and retain nurses due to the very low wage offered. I don’t want people to assume that the planned strike is coming from a place of greed. Nurses deserve to be paid a fair wage for the incredible, selfless, 4 years of unpaid college placement work that they do. The low staffing levels results in a reduced ability to care for vulnerable patients.

Most days there is not physically enough staff bodies on the ward to give the level of care and attention that sick people deserve. An increase in the pay would lead to an increase in the likelihood of young graduate nurses staying in Ireland.

When we graduate, we are given a degree in one hand and plane tickets in the other. I do not know of any of my friends that plan to stay in Irish healthcare once qualified and that deeply saddens me.

Everyone going on strike has my full support and respect. I can only hope that this time change happens for everyone’s sake, sanity and safety.


Stressed but well-dressed 

Hi friends,

Look who it is. I am aware it has been a hot second since I’ve posted. I’m going to try to post more emphasis on the word try. 

As you all know I love clothes and my stressed but well dressed posts are where I show some of my outfits that I’ve put together all while being mildly to moderately stressed about life, college, exams, boys, work, love, Donald Trump, rent, eating 5 a day, the meaning of life and so on. 

 As much as I love clothes shops something about the constantly changing trends stresses me out because I find them very hard to keep up with. I try to wear mostly what I already have and just re style it to look semi decent. 


Okay summer got of to a cold start.

Runners: old converse 

Leggings: topshop thermal leggings yes thermal. 

Sweater: old vintage Ralph Lauren sweater that my aunties brother wore back in the day. 

Jacket: Levi’s ex boyfriend trucker jacket 

Dress: tesco yes tesco. My mum got this dress for my sister who went away for a week so it became Kate’s dress. 

Runners: trusty converse 

Jeans: Molly style from river island 

Top: pennys I got it in a 12 because it’s super cropped  even with the bigger size it still rides up but this is the price you pay for a 8 euro candy striped top. I really like the way it knots at the front, it very on trend at the moment.

Bag: bigger camera bag in cotton candy pink by pop and suki. One of my most treasured things. 


Jacket: leather jacket form topshop slung over my shoulders. As it starts to get warmer I do this more often. It’s a nice compromise because I have such fear if I leave the house without one but also don’t want to collapse from heat exchaustion either. Everybody wins.

Jeans: Jamie style from topshop in dark navy

Shoe: topshop sale years ago 

Top: river island sale years ago

Bag: pop and suki camera bag 

Sunglasses: new look 


I feel a pattern emerging.

Converse, Jamie jeans, Levi jacket, new look sunglasses.

Top: Zara new summer collection 


Top: Zara (€4.99 might I add) 

Shorts: Berska. I really like this style because they are ‘mom’ fit. Not too tight/ baggy and have the relaxed 90s feel. 

Self care Saturday 

Hey friends,

Self care is such a buzz word at the moment and more power to it! Speaking for myself I spend a lot of my time (as a student nurse in college and a HCA as my part time job) looking after others so I think it’s paramount that I look after number one first to be able to do this. Here are some of my favourite things to do to. 

Coconut Oil

In your hair, eyebrows, curries. Go wild. So many health benefits and super cheap.


It taste like monster munch. It not only feeds the body (corn is a vegetable right?!) it feeds the soul. Shoutout to Molly for introducing it to me.


I usually take one lysine (the best vitamin for preventing mouth ulcers and cold sores, thank me later) 2 chia oil, 1 centrum women and 1/2 magnesium ( helps combat fatigue and tiredness). 

Face mask 

I hope this clay mask makes up for the fact that didn’t take my makeup off several times this week. 

No alarm

Nothing gives me more happiness than not having to set an alarm. This isn’t something that I can do every day/ week (sadly) but when I can it really helps my mood. 


I adore reading and get through a book every week or so. Nothing gives me the feeling that words do. It a form of escapism for me and helps me relax and be creative. I’ve just finished Paris for One by JoJo Moyes. It’s about a girl who’s boyfriend abandons her right before their trip to Paris (can’t relate). I found it a really empowering, funny and hopeful story. 


I love writing too and journal regularly. If I’m in a weird place I always end you writing about it. 

I once read that self care isn’t always about a ten euro bath bomb from Lush or an expensive processo lunch sometimes it’s about a day by yourself, eating well and treating your body well. Sometimes it’s all I need. 

Now did someone say processo…?


My milkshake 

Hey friends,

I impulsively bought a new blender the other day because I was left unsupervised for too long.  These are my 2 favourites and they taste more like milkshakes than smoothies so everybody wins.

***disclaimer not guaranteed to bring boys to the yard***
Strawberry milkshake 

Into a blender add:

200 ml of almond or soya milk

5 strawberries 

10 raspberries and blueberries 

A tablespoon of honey 

A ripe banana


A handful of Spinach 

Chocolate milkshake 

Into a blender add:

A heaped teaspoon of cacao powder (taste like chocolate and is high in iron, protein, calcium and vitamin C)

A ripe banana 

5 strawberries 

Handful of blueberries 

250 ml of almond/ soya milk


A heaped teaspoon of peanut butter 


Fresh Resolutions

Hey friends,

My 2018 has started with a positive vibe.  I attended the Fresh Resolutions event in the RDS yesterday.  I left feeling energised and generally just more upbeat.  The event included a number of speakers sharing their own experiences with not just surviving life but thriving and becoming more successful, healthier and most importantly finding their happiness. 

Alison Canavan 

This lady was the speaker that most resonated with me.  Her beauty,wisdom and courage in telling her story was both refreshing and uplifting. I’d highly recommend you follow her on social media, she is an extraordinary women with an emotional and triumphant story. 

Positive people to follow 

Other speakers that I really enjoyed were Paddy Leddy, Jack Kavanagh, the Happy Pear,  Holly White, the Skin Nerd and Roz Purcell. All of these people, in my opinion, deserve a follow on Instagram.  They all speak with insight into life and success and are not afraid to admit the darker side of life that many of us struggle with.  Food was a huge focal point too and how the right ones can help heal you and make you semi unstoppable (see twins handstand below). 

Overall, the general vibe of the event was an holistic approach to well- being.  I am a firm believer in the mind, body and soul approach to health and happiness.  From listening to these speakers and the hardships they have faced it granted me hope and optimism. 


 I decided that 2018 was going to be the year of self care.  The last few months of 2017 were pretty challenging for me both academically  and personally and I really lost my way particularly in regards to self care/love.  I was eating very little, sleeping too much or not at all and just generally being abit of a negative Nelly and a sad Sally.  The event empowered me and gave me the spark that I needed to slowly start the momentum for a healthier, happier Kate through healthy eating, adequate sleep, mediation and practising gratitude. 

Going to camp for 3 months #J1Hun

Hello friends! 

Just a quick notice that I am heading to summer camp tomorrow to work as a camp counsellor for the next 3 months!  I am working in South Carolina in the mountains which means very little mobile phone service and little to no internet! I am beyond excited for this summer adventure and will do my best to keep everyone updated. 

 So, if anyone has any major gossip, decalrations of love or if any new memes pop up please feel free to keep your girl in the loop by writing to me at YMCA Camp Greenville, Cleveland, South Carolina, 29635, United States.  I hope everyone has a amazing summer too.  Summer camp has  always been something that I’ve wanted to be involved in so I am grateful for this opportunity and thank you to everyone who has loved, supported and encouraged me.  

Now did someone say s’mores…?!

-K (J1 Hun) 

P.s I love you Bobbie.

Things I would rather do than study 

Hello friends!

It has come to my attention quite recently that there are many things I would rather do than study so I have compiled a list and number one on that list is to make lists on my blog when I should be studying.  Pray for Kate.

1) Fight McGregor

I’ve watched Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood music video about 100 times so I think I know afew things about MMA.  Also, he’s newly become a parent so I think he’ll take it easy on me.  No cage fight could compared to the absolute bashing I’m going to get from these exam papers. 

2) Stop and talk to the charity worker.

Possibly the most annoying people on the streets. The young, upbeat usually good looking concern/goal/trocarie gang that try to stop you when you’re walking.  I think the chairity thing is great it’s just the envasion of personal space I don’t like.  One day I’ll stop, until then I’ll donate my spare change.

3) Go on Tinder on national television 

…and win. 

4) Dye my hair pink 

It takes an hour to put the dye in and 25 minutes to wash it out,that is an entire hour of your day not studying.

6) Google how many calories are in a 99 ice cream 

And eat it anyway.

7) Get my passport photo taken

Admittedly nobody likes getting their passport photo taken. It’s sorta awkward and strange and they never turn out that great (if you have a nice passport photo then we can’t be friends).  And yet, I would rather stand in front of a pull down white blind in the middle of boots than study. 

8) Watch 13 Reasons Why  backwards 

Why you might ask, well I’ve already watched it the correct way. I think that if you were to watch it backwards the story would be more palatable and have a happier ending. Clearly,I’m still not over it. 

9) Pay for pain 

True story: today I payed cold hard cash for a lady to tediously extract facial hair from one of the most sensitive areas of the body… Or more commonly known as plucking eyebrows.  Still less painful than studying. 

10) Hussle for that muscle

I have a love/hate relationship with the gym but surprising I get very into my personal fitness just around exam season.  Defiantly a pro at crastinating.

11) Tell everyone how much I have to study

My college group chat consists a lot of “I’m so screwed… I’ve done nothing… When are repeats again… Asking for a friend…” 

12) Read self help books 

If I am aware and intune with my inner self the answers in the exam will come to me… Right? 


13) Assemble IKEA furniture

 Yes,that’s right I would rather construct a desk rather than sit at one. I’ll go one step further and say I wouldn’t even read the instructions. The desk chair in the picture below? I assembled that by myself one day INSTEAD OF STUDYING… It took me hours.

14) Post a selfie on Instagram and get 0 likes

It would be less of a knock to my self esteem than these exams. 

In all seriousness though, education, exams and study are important. Work hard,pray hard and play hard and I think we’ll all be okay. Mammy has the candle lit. 


The Leaving Cert-What I know for sure 

Hello friends,

I’m currently sitting on a bus about to start my last official day of college ( ignoring the 4 exams I have in May… Be grand) .  I think it’s only natural that days like this are ones spent in quiet reflection of the past year and all the events that lead me to this moment.  

This academic year has honestly been one of the greatest in my entire life.  I have done things that I never thought I could and met the most amazing people.  I started this year with a broken heart to be very honest and with a bruised soul (and ego).  I had spent the last 2 years of my life working towards a goal that disappeared as quickly as opening a brown envelope.  I’m not going to lie, the initial impact hit me hard and I genuinely didn’t know what the future held.  The first few weeks were spent crying, faking smiles and in silent recluse.  I found when people were talking I genuinely couldn’t hear them, like I was on autopilot.  

I remember a very distinct moment sitting with my mum in the car on the beach at the end of August saying ” I just want to freeze my life right now and just stop everything”.  I couldn’t see a way out, a way to stop the cutting pain of failure.  I had gone so far out on a limb that I didn’t realise the higher you reach the harder you fall.  I felt hopeless.

I had a choice to make.  I could run from this  this or I could rise from this and I chose the latter.  

Flash foreword to the 20 of April 2017. Present day.  I have the most incredible friends, am one year into my degree programme, have an amazing summer planned and am genuinely doing just fine. I have learned so much and gained a much better insight into love and life and the true meaning of unconditional love and support. 

I was in a bad way starting the year.  My self worth was pretty low and the guilt was crushing.  However, in the most unlikely place, the last place I ever thought I’d be, through new found friendships I found myself healing. It rare to find people who will love you no matter what, I was lucky to find so many of them in college.  People that didn’t run away in absolute horror when I told them about my Leaving Cert saga but rather offered a reassuring congratulations and an admiration for trying.  

I’m refining my definition of failure.  I’ve decided that to fail means at least you tired and I will go down swinging for anyone who has the courage to try anything.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is that maybe this was the lesson all along.  Not getting what you want isn’t always the worse thing. The sky is not falling. But maybe I needed to go to that place of failure and despair to get to this one.  I may not know all the French verbs, sexual reproduction of a flowering plant or electronic configuartions but as far as life this is something I know for sure… Sometimes what looks like the end, is actually only the beginning. 


Why I cut my hair 

Hello friends, 

Recently,I chopped my pony tail off for three reasons.

Reason 1: I have always admired short hair. I think it makes a person look much older and more put together.  It’s something I thought I could never pull off because I have quite a round face and lacked the required bone structure I thought was needed for shorts locks.

Reason 2: My hair was falling out. Whenever I would brush or wash it I would get big clumps of long hair in my hand/ brush and it freaked me out.  I think it was a combination of stress and dead hair shedding.  I really sympathised with people who experienced hair loss because even my brief and subtle experience with it stressed me out and make me feel very self conscious. 

Reason 3: I wanted to do some good. I was at the end of hospital placement and constantly felt very helpless.  I would wrack my brain for something that I, with my limited nursing knowledge, could do to help i.e make tea, paint nails, tell stories, buy the newspaper.  If I was going to cut my hair off (something I was very protective of) I didn’t want it to be in vain so I researched and came across a charity called Little Princess Trust that make wigs for children with hair loss.  I thought ‘look at me, a 21 year old that is stressing because my hair is slightly thinning when there are kids who have lost it all’.  I called the hairdresser and made an appointment.  

The whole experience was pretty simple and all you have to do is wash the hair,put it in a low ponytail and then cute above the elastic band,dry it and make sure you plait the ponytail before putting it in a zip lock bag and send it to Little Princess Trust, Broadway House, 32-35 Broad st, Hereford, HR4 9AR, UK.  *This charity accepts colored hair. Make sure to included your email address in the envelope and they will update you when your hair has arrived*
