That magic word SALE!!!!

That magic word: SALE!!!

And so it goes… We as a society have reached that point where social media plays a very important role in our lives. It’s a main form of communication between people and for some even a news outlet ( sad but true). It shows us what’s in style, who is hot, who to look up to and where the hottest traveling spots are. Most importantly it is a free platform to promote your brand.

Main fashion houses were the first businesses who jumped on this amazing opportunity to promote their product and generate sales. Gorgeous editorial shots, endorsed celebrities, multiple bloggers who wear these brands became main selling tools. Obviously the more we look at something appealing, the more exposure it gets the higher the sales are. Who doesn’t want to have a dress their favorite starlet wore on a red carpet right next to the hottest guy in Hollywood ( your “future husband” as you call him among your friends)? Or that fascinating pair of Louboutins every rich and famous blogger flaunts on Instagram while at a fabulous party at a venue you are dreaming to go to?

Well… what if I told you that you can have these things without spending a fortune? What if I tell you that dress can cost you 70% less? And you can have these shoes for less than $250? And no I am not talking about EBay or Real Real or any other retailer that offers used items. You won’t have to buy shoes with scratches and dresses worn by someone before. I’m talking brand new pieces that smell like new leather and fabric: luxury designer handbags, shoes, ready-to-wear and even couture. Guess what? Im not talking about outlet stores either. You don’t have to dig through multiple racks and shelves filled with miscellaneous nonsense anywhere from 4 to 12 seasons ago ( I mean who wants a pair of shoes that 1200 feet tried on and all the colors came off?).

This message is for my fabulous fashionistas who work hard to make their money and buying things they love! All you need to know is right TIMING and CONNECTIONS. By timing I mean sale seasons. You have to know your important dates:

WINTER SALE AND SUMMER SALE: It starts the last week of November(winter sale season) or the last week of May(summer sale season). If you want to score your favorite pieces at 30 or maybe even 50% off if you are lucky it’s your time. However if you want a real bargain I recommend to wait until the first week of January or first week of July and hit those department stores or as I like to call them treasure islands( Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Ave, Bloomingdales etc). That’s when the final sale really starts! All your favorite

designers whether it’s contemporary or high end put the remaining merchandise on 70% off racks. You will be blown away by all the deals you can score and amazing pieces you can purchase at a price that you can’t find anywhere else!

Now what do I mean by CONNECTIONS? I’m talking about your sales people! Treat them well and with respect and they will hook you up with the hottest deals, inform you of the lowest prices, stuff your shopping bags with samples of your favorite eye cream and perfume that will last you a year ( Why? Because we are suckers for good people who are nice to us). I have a secret to tell you. We all know each other and know everything about you. We get alerts whether to bring out champagne or take an emergency lunch break. You don’t have to spend a fortune to be treated like royalty, you just have to be a decent human being! Don’t’ pretend to be something you are not ( I mean we have social media too, we know when you wore that dress you are trying to return “because party got canceled” ). Be good to your sales people and you will never be excluded from very special messages that tell you when the final sale starts, when gift with purchase is on and when those fabulous gift cards arrive. We will find you that last exclusive bag that no one has, that last pair of shoes that is “reserved” for someone else, that dress that’s on hold for a “celebrity” and can’t be sold. We will get it for you because we are the mafia of retail. We have connection in every boutique in every city. We get things done! With all that being said ladies and gents….know the right times and the right people! Happy shopping and get those good deals! Be fabulous but still a human.