Portrait photography books are an endless source of information to be inspired and keep learning. Here is our recommended list.

50 Portraits: Stories and Techniques from a Photographer’s Photographer

by Gregory Heisler

This is not a technical book about lighting (see our next recommendation for this) because great photography is about so much more than that. Gregory Heisler  addresses the creative process and gives his best tips to compliment a person or an environment. Through this book, you will follow Heisler on his meticulous journey to capture some of the most evocative portraits of our time.

Available on Amazon for $32

Master Lighting Guide for Portrait Photographers

by Christopher Grey

Christopher Grey is a master of photographic lighting and shares his secrets in book. He covers important subject such as the properties and quality of light, modern lighting equipment, lighting ratios, etc. From classic lighting styles to advanced lighting methods, every topics are illustrated by color photos and helpful diagrams.

Available on Amazon for $28