You're getting ready to brush your teeth, when you notice something a little different in the mirror. Instead of the normal pink color, your tongue is now white instead. What gives?

It can be alarming to notice your tongue has become white. But this is common, and probably not a major health issue, says New York City-based cosmetic dentist Edward A. Alvarez, D.D.S.

Most likely, what you’re seeing are the papillae—the bumps on your tongue that stick up like carpet fibers, Dr. Alvarez explains. Buildup from bacteria, food particles, dead skin, and other plaque can cause these to look white. This occurs when you don't brush your tongue regularly, and the buildup is not able to slough off (Here are 6 serious health problems your doctor can spot).

On top of making your tongue white, this buildup can release sulfur, making your breath smell like rotten eggs, says Dr. Alvarez. The longer you go without brushing, the thicker it gets and the harder it is to get off.

To stop the white stuff from building up—and to bring the surface of your tongue back to its healthy pink color—simply brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth, Dr. Alvarez says. And make sure you're drinking enough, too. If you're not well hydrated, you may not be producing enough saliva, which plays a vital role in helping wash that plaque away before it can start to build up.

You might want to avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes, too. They can dry your mouth out, which can, again, make it hard to slough off the particles. Keep your use of these drying products to a minimum.

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Sometimes, however, a white tongue can signal more than just regular plaque buildup. A white film on the tongue could be thrush, which comes from yeast or fungus overgrowth, says Dr. Alvarez. This can stem from diabetes, cancer, or HIV/AIDS. With your immune system compromised by these disorders, your body won’t be able to keep the fungus in check, so it can continue to multiply.

If your white tongue is caused by thrush, you'll probably experience more than just a white film on your tongue. You'll also likely see the white in other parts of your mouth or throat as well, and your tongue will be red, raw, and painful if you try to scrape off the white gunk off. See a doctor to get medication for this and determine the underlying cause.

How about if the whiteness isn't a uniform coating on your tongue, but instead pops up in a series of circles or rings? That could be a condition called “geographic tongue, ” which affects five to seven percent of people, says Dr. Alvarez. This can look kind of weird, but it actually isn’t harmful, so you don’t have to do anything about it.

If there’s a white line running down the side of your tongue, it might be “linea alba,” or scar tissue from biting your tongue while chewing or sleeping, Dr. Alvarez adds. This doesn’t require treatment either.

On the other hand, if you have one white patch on the side or bottom of your tongue, this could be a leukoplakia, which usually results from tobacco use, according to the Mayo Clinic. Most leukoplakias are benign, but they’re occasionally cancerous and should be checked out by a doctor. Plus, if the patch looks like there’s hair coming off it, it could point toward HIV or AIDS.

“At the end of the day, any strange white lesion that lasts more than two weeks should be evaluated by your dentist or physician,” says Dr. Alvarez. “Most will be nothing, but you must be sure.” (For more health news delivered right to your inbox, sign up for our Daily Dose newsletter).