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Megan.❁ @_meganholmes

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I love you guys🌳💕

2013-10-21 23:13

99 8


I love you guys🌳💕

We believe in ordinary acts of bravery in the acts of courage that drives up from one person to stand up for another. 🌖

2013-10-20 21:58

122 15


We believe in ordinary acts of bravery in the acts of courage that drives up from one person to stand up for another. 🌖


2013-10-14 23:04

126 6



Beauty is everywhere but few can see it🌳

2013-10-13 23:02

137 0


Beauty is everywhere but few can see it🌳

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater 
Let's have an adventure☯

2013-10-05 02:49

154 29


Both your hands in the holes of my sweater Let's have an adventure☯

Happy birthday girlies💕 @heidinutting @fluffy_wolves 
 #whitegirlprobs #starbucks

2013-09-29 01:15

153 5


Happy birthday girlies💕 @heidinutting @fluffy_wolves Ilygsm♡ #whitegirlprobs #starbucks

This. Is One Direction

Zayn Malik. Harry Styles. Niall Horan. Liam Payne & Louis Tomlinson. 
These are my role models. Most people think we are "obsessed" because they are attractive. 
But actually. They can sing. And if you say they can't. Then that's fine. But really. If you have a bad attitude towards them then your not Going to think there good. That's your thoughts. And go for it. Just don't be mean. 
They raise money for charity. And raise awareness against bullying. And help people to understand that we are all beautiful in our own ways. That it's okay to be unique. 
That being nice isn't hard to do. 
That confidence is key and we all should be. 
That staying true to our selves is the best way to Go. & that the idea of being original is perfect. 
Harry Styles taught me that I don't need to be skinny to get a guy. And that age doesn't matter •

Niall Horan taught me that being different is good and that some guy really do wait for the girls of their dreams. •

Louis Tomlinson taught me that you can be immature no matter what your age is. And to do things how you like not how people say. •

Liam Payne taught me that no matter how hard something may seem, I have to stick to it because I can accomplish it. •

Zayn Malik taught me that bing shy can be a good thing. And to love yourself and how you look. 
These boys had their own difficulties. He stopped caring what people thought of him. He overcame his insecurities. He proved to everyone that he had a voice. He never gave up even when he was told to stop. He found a new confidence when he was told he wasn't good enough. 
No matter what people say I will always love these boys. They don't even know I exist. Or that I'm alive. But as long as they keep doing what they're doing. Ill stay with them. Forever and Always. ♡

2013-09-22 21:57

215 25


This. Is One Direction Zayn Malik. Harry Styles. Niall Horan. Liam Payne & Louis Tomlinson. These are my role models. Most people think we are "obsessed" because they are attractive. But actually. They can sing. And if you say they can't. Then that's fine. But really. If you have a bad attitude towards them then your not Going to think there good. That's your thoughts. And go for it. Just don't be mean. They raise money for charity. And raise awareness against bullying. And help people to understand that we are all beautiful in our own ways. That it's okay to be unique. That being nice isn't hard to do. That confidence is key and we all should be. That staying true to our selves is the best way to Go. & that the idea of being original is perfect. Harry Styles taught me that I don't need to be skinny to get a guy. And that age doesn't matter • Niall Horan taught me that being different is good and that some guy really do wait for the girls of their dreams. • Louis Tomlinson taught me that you can be immature no matter what your age is. And to do things how you like not how people say. • Liam Payne taught me that no matter how hard something may seem, I have to stick to it because I can accomplish it. • Zayn Malik taught me that bing shy can be a good thing. And to love yourself and how you look. These boys had their own difficulties. He stopped caring what people thought of him. He overcame his insecurities. He proved to everyone that he had a voice. He never gave up even when he was told to stop. He found a new confidence when he was told he wasn't good enough. No matter what people say I will always love these boys. They don't even know I exist. Or that I'm alive. But as long as they keep doing what they're doing. Ill stay with them. Forever and Always. ♡

Seriously I have no one.

2013-09-10 00:50

167 22


Seriously I have no one.

lol why do I keep going back to you∞

2013-09-06 04:17

240 59


lol why do I keep going back to you∞

k I hate school✌

2013-09-04 01:33

155 8


k I hate school✌

Hysterically Crying For Two Hours Straight💕 •This Is Us• 
@heidinutting @fluffy_wolves @_delrosarioo

2013-08-31 00:37

170 11


Hysterically Crying For Two Hours Straight💕 •This Is Us• @heidinutting @fluffy_wolves @_delrosarioo

I 🍩 care.

2013-08-25 20:40

230 38


I 🍩 care.


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