
My Words Have a New Home

It's so nice to be back. My words haven't had a home in a very long time. Since the rise and fall of my last blog, the words I wrote over the years have just floated along, landing wherever. When the moment struck, I wrote on anything I could get my hands on: a napkin, random notebooks, notes in my phone, etc. While it felt amazing to be able to get out my thoughts and feelings when the time was right and the thoughts were fresh, it did not feel right. My last blog, The Observer's Digest, was one of my favorite things when I graduated college in 2012. Damn, 2012...ages ago. When I started it, it gave me hope and guidance when I was very lost and needed a safe space for my words to live. I had a lot of trouble finding my first job, along with a whole bunch of other shit going on in my personal life. I have come quite a long way since 2012, and now, since The Observer's Digest. Over the years, there have been times when I would open up a new post and try to write. But,