Singapore Instagram Mommies ('SGIM')
Hi Mommies!  Fill this form up for a chance to be featured on @Sg_InstaMommies!

Do remember to tag  and #Sg_InstaMommies us in the photos of yourself and your baby/ children!
Do also DM us brands (products & services) which you highly recommend to be our partnering merchants for our community and we will reach out to them (as a platform and community) for you! You will then see them here soon:

Be part of this and you may be invited to:
- Exclusive events & gatherings with other featured mommies in @Sg_InstaMommies!
- Endorse Mommy and Baby product(s) and/or service(s) & get freebies!
- OWN a Promo Code to try our recommended product(s) and/or service(s) on at distributor prices.
- Then, share what you love and Earn referral income by bringing your mommies friends/ followers to our recommended merchants in!

Only FULLY completed forms will be featured. Please do not submit the form several times.

Privacy policy applies^
^Your contact information won't be sold/given/shared with other unrelated parties.
To unsubscribe, contact DPO officer @ Ryan 98533221.

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Mommy's FULL NAME (including first, middle, last name)? *
You will be surprised as very often we have more than 1 mommy with the same name and surname haha. Like Adeline Lee, Joyce Lim, Rachel Tan etc.
All your Little one(s)' name(s), gender and year of birth? [E.g. Son:  Kannon (2015), Daughter: Kandall (2018) ] *
Mommy's area(s) of interest(s) and influence(s):
Instagram Username: *
Tell us a bit more about yourself, Mommy: *
Which YEAR are you born in? What is your Race? Where were you born in? What do you work as?  What are your hobbies and interests/ exercises/ how you relieve stress?
Tell us about your little one(s):
baby's favourite food/ baby's favourite playtime/ anything you can think of =D
Mobile number: *
For contact purposes. Won't be published.
Contactable Email: *
For contact purposes. Won't be published.
What will be the caption for the feature? It can also be anything You Wanna Say to other Mommies! You can also include your hashtags here! *
We will be giving you a Referral Discount Code ('SGIM Code') for you to share with your friends and followers to earn a referral income in! Let us know if you have a preferred discount code!
Lastly, we currently have a client who has engaged @sg_instamommies (“SGIM”) platform to find our mommies ambassadors to feature their selected product on child’s education. They are a company who can compare many products from various financial companies and are already listed at our website: . If the product relates/ fits well with you and you are selected by the client as an ambassador, all you need to do is to post an Instagram post and insta story [preferably with all your kid(s)] holding the education plan and you will be remunerated between $200-$500/- per post. Let us know if you are keen, so that the client representative will meet you and explain the product to you. *
Terms of Service *
By submitting this form, I agree and consent to sginstamommies ('SGIM') collecting, using and/or disclosing my personal data and photo for reasonable purposes including featuring me in their instagram account and/or contact me in relation to products and related services. In addition, I consent to SGIM providing me updates and rewards about our partners' products and services via: Phone (includes but not limited to whatsapp), Email and any other means of communication. I also understand that: a. SGIM Representatives may collect, use and/or disclose my personal data for contacting me to inform me about products and services offered by their company and its affiliated/ partnering brands. b. My response here does not affect my other consent(s) given to any of the Company(s) and its related corporations and their Representatives and their rights at law in respect of my personal data.
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