SXSW 2020

Skybridges: Impacting the Future of Urban Life


The United Nations has predicted that over 1.5 million people PER WEEK will move to cities from now through 2050. Therefore, we need to place greater emphasis on making our cities more sustainable. One step towards urban sustainability is through incorporating modern-day skybridges into tall buildings.

High-elevation skybridges have transformed from simple architectural novelties to indispensable, multi-functioning architecture tools, resulting in environmental, social, economical, technical, and safety benefits. The effort to expand the use of skybridges is aligned with a much wider effort to re imagine how we build cities – taking us away from flat, two-dimensional urban planning to holistic, three-dimensional urban planning, and embracing all aspects of design and usability.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Examples of environmental, economic, design, technical and safety benefits incorporating skybridges into tall buildings in an urban context
  2. Buildings that have successfully implemented and utilized skybridges, and the impact on the occupants and the cities where the buildings are located
  3. The future of cities through enhanced urban planning/design



Jeremy Rothschild, Vice President, Marketing, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Fantastic Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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