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Contemporary theatre and performing arts education with an entrepreneurial heart

The performing arts industry is evolving, and so must we. That means going further than a traditional drama school, blending world-class theatre and performing arts training with entrepreneurial skills and a curriculum that’s designed to develop your unique creative expression.

At ICTheatre, we offer high-quality degree level performing arts training that celebrates the individual. We believe in discipline while encouraging the wildness of imagination. Our unique course paths and wide range of industry-led masterclasses empower our students to find their own artistic identity – and we equip them with the entrepreneurial skills and network to get noticed.

ICTheatre is a place for you to explore, develop and take ownership of your ideas, giving you the best possible chance at a successful career in the performing arts industry.

ICTheatre Brighton

Creativity and freedom drives Brighton’s thriving arts culture. With its inclusive and eclectic vibes, it certainly has more to offer than your average university city. All of our performing arts degrees in Brighton are fully accredited and eligible for student finance.

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ICTheatre Manchester

Manchester is one of the most vibrant cities in the UK. It’s a cultural nucleus with many creative strongholds, making it the perfect place to launch a career in artistic performance. All our performing arts degrees in Manchester are fully accredited and eligible for student finance.

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Open Days and Events

Our open days and events at ICTheatre are crafted to give you an insight into life as a performing arts Training Professional.

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