Welcome to Canopy

Canopy is a community of artists, gallerists, and other creatives, located in Central East Austin. The centerpiece of the property, a former Goodwill warehouse, consists of 89 studios, three galleries, several creative offices, and a café/coffee shop.


In the Spotlight: Cheryl Finfrock

This month’s In The Spotlight Artist at Canopy is Cheryl Finfrock, a native Texan and San Francisco transplant painting in Austin, Texas. A Trinity University graduate in both art and literature, she explores the figure in its awkwardness, anonymity, and universality, creating a narrative steeped in the tradition of Texas storytelling.

View Cheryl’s work during Open Canopy, on the first Saturday of the month from 1 pm - 4 pm. Get a behind-the-scenes look at her studio at Canopy in Building 1 #218 on the second floor - and browse the artists, galleries, and retail shops in the Canopy community.

Woman and man drinking beverages while looking through a window at art.

Join us Monthly: OPEN CANOPY


Join us monthly in celebration of local art and creative process. Get a behind-the-scenes look at local artists’ studios within the Canopy Community at 916 Springdale Rd.


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