What Instagram Does for me mentally…..

Let me start by saying in 2013 when I created this account I didn’t understand it. So it sat till a year ago when I decided to see what it was all about. Wow it has been mostly positive and encouragement. I’ve had one crazy problem with insta, but that’s over and done! Instagram has been finding the truest friends I’ve ever had. It is hard to make friends as a adult. These women are so uplifting and amazing! I have never felt so much love from people I’ve never met. I’m thankful for my friends on insta that I love to pieces! So now it’s time to start blogging. I just need to find my platform on insta. Praying that will be shown to me! Good night my sweet friends.

WELCOME 2019 I needed you🎉💗

Yes I made it out of 2018 alive!!!! I am no longer in the dark! Last year I didn’t believe in the next day. Now I am making plans to better myself mind,body, and soul! This will be my year to grow and learn to love myself! I’m reaching out and getting help and excited to get back in the gym with my trainer. I am also going to hopefully get a booth rental and do what I love the most! Create a place that people love to look at! I used to do trade shows and I’m ready to jump back in! Plans….. that means I believe in tomorrow! Thank you all for the support and love! Cheers to the new year! ☕️

Seasonal Depression

How can the most joyful time of the year be the worse time for me. I decorate everything I pour my heart and soul into it. Friends I had a nervous breakdown a few months ago. I feel so defeated. So much hurt and pain this year. I spend so much time alone and in bed it’s heartbreaking to me. I’m not myself. I wish I could be. Most people don’t understand or care what I am going through. It’s even scary sharing it in this post. I don’t want to be viewed as that poor girl. My heart, soul and mind are so weak. I feel broken and I’m not sure how to get through it this year.

What’s in a photo…

Hi friends I want to chat about taking a photo verses creating a photo. I attended college for photography and merchandising in my 30’s. Taking a photo is easy, but boring to me. I create my photos and I love it. Often people ask me is this your shop or home. I guess that’s where my merchandizing comes in. Styling a photo is fun and really captivates your audience. For instance the photo I shared above. It is my old TV hutch that I wasn’t using anymore I am so glad it didn’t sell. It acts as a big shadow box that worked perfectly for me to create this photo. First I added the sign then I decided the theme was going to go along with it. Okay I needed trees… a little secrete of mine is I buy after Christmas for next year. So I had plenty of trees to create the Forrest. The saw above the sign was my granddads old saw so I added it as the sign said cut and carry! Then my photo started to become a story! I have a wild imagination so it becomes fun and my creative juices flow! A family goes to a tree farm to cut their Christmas tree, but wouldn’t it be fun to bring a little winter picnic with them. They had to have a warm cozy blanket and yes hot chocolate and cookies were a must. The lantern sets off a beautiful ambience. The warm rich chocolate cups and ovals just gives a warm inviting feeling. So you see take time with your photo! Let your imagination create the perfect photo. Next time you take a photo take a moment and create it! Can’t wait to see your creations. Happy Holidays!

Almost that time of the year

As I decorate and make the house full of magical lights and the feeling of Christmas excitement while fighting the dread of December 30th of my heart being shattered for the 18th year. My precious middle only son Konner Reece was called back home at age 3. He would have turned 4 January 5th. Instead of cake and celebration there was numbness and confusion. Konner wasn’t with me when he drowned so it was so unreal to me. No one thinks when they have their baby that anything could or would happen to them. Each year gets easier to talk about and to celebrate his short life. This year in March I lost my mom we had reconciled and I’m thankful for that, but it’s a Christmas with another family member gone. There are not many of us left on my side of the family. So holidays as much as I love them my heart aches. So appreciate your loved ones and cherish those little ones as they loaned to us from God.

Pumpkin Crazy

Y’all I love the fall! The leaves turning their beautiful colors makes me happy! If there is a pile of leaves I’m jumping in🍂🍁! I do every holiday early that way I can enjoy it longer! My wardrobe is screaming fall!

Bulky sweaters and layers of different textures! I have to tough everything at the store lol… I passed that habit onto my kids!

I am super duper excited to join a part of antique candle works team!!! The candles are heavenly!

Chat with y’all tomorrow 🍂

Coffee talk! I use bad words…..Sometimes!

Hello peeps! I am addicted to coffee… some would disagree that I am actually addicted to coffee creamer. I guess that is really the truth. So enough about coffee that was just a ice breaker. What this really is about is how to stop letting damn people use me! Most of the time it has to be brought to my attention by the people who truly care for me. I have always felt I have to buy someone’s attention and love. I have had enough… it’s our time now. Time for us to plan and save to build our dream home. If anyone has a problem with that then there is no respect or conditional love so what do I have to lose?They can kiss my ass. Life will go on and life will be good.


Bliss of definition means supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment. Life can be blissful … if we want it bad enough. Wake up hold your head high and make bliss happen. I don’t believe we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I believe we wake up and choose how we are going to be that day! No one needs to take away your bliss. If your other half is in a bad mood then you have to decide whether you will go on the cranky train or jump off and go be blissful. I am done letting others moods affect mine. So y’all go get your Bliss on!!!!

You are art…

Art to most is a painting or a sculpture. Not me from my hair to what I wear and my tattoos I always feel like art. My tattoos have meaning to them. My hair I go crazy with lol. I have literally had rainbow hair once and had pink hair for years. I wear dreads to extensions hair accessories are a must. If I change my hair so does my wardrobe. My whole outlook on life can change with one little change. Change is scary, buts it’s good to mix it up! So go play dress up and see what today brings!


PAIN….. I have felt pain in my life . My heart has been broken as well as my soul. I am strong, but sometimes I have to make myself remember why we experience pain. We experience it to teach us lessons. God must think I have strong shoulders … well I guess I do. In my life pain = purpose! Loss is hard no matter if it’s a tragic accident or a blessing to hold her hand as she left this world. I’ll never forget I’ll always remember how I felt each time. RISE UP BE STRONG! Don’t doubt what Gods plan is for us. Just passing a little bit of how I look at life now.