Anecdote, Funny Irony

I wish to share a moment that I truly enjoyed a couple weeks ago as I walked through Strasbourg, France built on irony.  I wonder if it is funnier because it is in fact a bit ironic. There I was, strolling along through Strasbourg entering the city from the east as I crossed the bridge … Continue reading Anecdote, Funny Irony

Kinesio Tape

A sport tape designed to apply pressure and while relieving pressure at the same time, created of cloth or synthetic materials, this elastic sport tape can be placed on any area of the body to assist muscles and joints during exercise and long after aiding recovery by improving blood flow. I have used KT Tape … Continue reading Kinesio Tape

Endorphin High

What gives you the best high without subjecting you to a miserable crash? Endorphins. Exercise releases endorphins giving partakers a euphoric feeling often known as "runners' high." This release can numb pain and improve one's state of mind. As a believer in compound everything ("what is Daryl talking about") from compound interest on loans to … Continue reading Endorphin High

Meaning of Life

What invigorates you? Are you living it? There is much reward in my own life but it is not what invigorates me, it is not where my passions lay, I can answer that with conviction.  I am contractually obligated AND have a plan to work toward the/a life I truly am happy with.  Where do … Continue reading Meaning of Life

Diet, a Misnomer

What does diet mean to our society, our culture, these days? "Diets" of all kinds have hit the market to try to appeal to the consumer for the creator to make a buck, or several million of those bucks. A person's diet is simply what they eat, daily, regularly, to sustain life.  Many find themselves … Continue reading Diet, a Misnomer

When To Add the Powder

As I was posting yesterday about my mother's chile recipe, I realized it did not say when to actually add the chile powder itself. Later when my favorite uncle asked me about the very same thing I realized I need and addendum. In my 10Nov post, when the liquid goes in, that's when the chile … Continue reading When To Add the Powder

New Mexican Huevos Rancheros Recipe

The first thing to know about this recipe that not just any chile will work..... well, it may, I wouldn't actually know as I have not tried anything in this recipe other than a New Mexican chile but of course I recommend to keep it authentic.  Now that I've let the thought cross my mind, … Continue reading New Mexican Huevos Rancheros Recipe