month: three

wow, though October flew by like crazy, it seems like there was a ton that went on in month three. month three is funny.  it’s kind of like the experience that my clients have with me when they first start working on their nutrition: it’s no longer a “honeymoon phase” with the new challenge we’re taking… Read More month: three

WZA Online Challenge x Brute Strength Training Reflection

I’m using Brute Strength’s “Knowledge Bomb” to help analyze my current performance limiters based off of my recent performance in the individual, Female Elite/Rx division of the Wodapalooza Online Challenge.   I’ll be briefing each workout from the challenge and identifying was it my: *breathing?  *skill?  *mentality?  or *muscle endurance?  In order to review my performance.… Read More WZA Online Challenge x Brute Strength Training Reflection

Month: one

Well actually, its month TWO since I’ve formally started my new job as a full time coach/athlete/…whatever else I do for the business lol (social media marketing, emails, blogging, making stuff, cleaning and organizing things, and more). This just feels like month one because this is the first month I’m not *back at school* with… Read More Month: one