Hello guys!
I wanted to try to do a tutorial video hahahaha.
So In this video I decided to show u how to do a hot oil treatment and how to deep condition with heat.
Hot oil treatment is really good to prevent frizz and to promote hair growth. It is good to do it once a month. That was my first time doing it tho.
I deep condition with heat because I have low porosity hair. So I gotta apply heat in order for the product to get into my hair, otherwise it just seats on it and my hair stays dry. So for all the girls with low porosity hair I hope this will be useful to you. My hair is real need of hydration because of all the years I would not deep condition properly, this is why I deep condition twice a week ( always using heat)
 Here are links to the products hqve used :
Jojoba oil : ://www.yves-rocher.fr/cheveux/type-de-produit/soin-et-coiffant/reparation---huile-reparatrice-cheveux/p/yr.R16326?utm_medium=sea&utm_campaign=%5bshopping%5d%20-%20cheveux&utm_source=google&utm_sourceid=SEM&utm_type=textlink&utm_term={strtolower:}&utm_adgroup=%2aautres&src=google&cmp=%5bshopping%5d%20-%20cheveux&cm_mmc=google-_-%5bshopping%5d%20-%20cheveux-_-%2aautres-_-{strtolower:}&med=textlink&sem_grp=%2aautres&sourceId=SEM&sem_kw={strtolower:}&chn=sea&gclid=CjwKCAiA4ILSBRA0EiwAsuuBLUI33S69PVxSCqwfSjAo4Q3_ApeTk0I7n9bF_LzC7qFd4vqLUFpYmxoCJUQQAvD_BwE

deep conditioner : https://callingallnaturals.com/2016/03/06/shea-moisture-manuka-honey-mafura-oil-intensive-hydration-hair-masque-product-review/

leave in conditioner : https://www.colorfulblack.com/fr/soins-cheveux/1248-cantu-natural-leave-in-conditioning-cream-340g-817513010132.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA4ILSBRA0EiwAsuuBLQqhW4IWZgkQ7Pa_7RbDPzvPvyBrcj6-fX3hyunmZJ8PojtMsArXXRoCc3wQAvD_BwE


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