Christmas Cookie Box 2018

Christmas is just around the corner and that means we’ve probably been stuffing our faces with all the desserts made by friends, coworkers, and especially our moms!

In the spirit of holiday baking I’ve once again teamed up with blogger/Instagrammers Rosa, Pina, and Clarissa. We’re bringing you a Christmas Cookie Box of seasonal proportions!

This time round I made two types of cookies that, I believe, really reflect my personality.

Gay Deconstructed Santa Cookies


I just used a generic Sugar Cookie recipe and some cutters I picked up at Winners (on sale) last Christmas. Unfortunately I didn’t realize until too late that I only had pink food colouring and none of the red I needed for Santa. So he ended up hot pink!
After icing the cookies I sprinkled some shredded coconut onto the whites for a furry appearance!

Cookie Shot Glasses

Photo courtesy of @bitemevancouver

These were a nightmare to put together, but the end result was worth it!
Because I didn’t have a popover pan I had to create my molds using a paper towel roll cut down and wrapped in tinfoil. I pressed the dough into my makeshift molds and then wrapped some more tinfoil around wine corks and placed those in the center to keep the dough in the shape that I want while it bakes.

I used a recipe by The Stay at Home Chef, except that with my homemade molds I had to bake for 30 minutes. Then I let them cool down before peeling away the tinfoil and cardboard. Which meant that each mold was good for a onetime use!


Here’s the links to everyone else’s cookie recipes!


Maple Gingerbread Cookies
Lemon Ricotta Cookies
Chocolate Cookies


Linzer Cookies


Christmas Cookie Box

Take this as inspiration to create your own cookie boxes, or even to just bake cookies for private consumption! Enjoy!

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