Collage again

It’s been a fairly productive week. Lots of ideas are brewing at least and I have been brave and contacted galleries regarding exhibiting my work. Progress of sorts! At least I feel like making. I think that trying to meditate daily is helping with keeping focus. Next week I’m also aiming to eat better and get to the local yoga class. My words for the year are transformation and intention. It’s taken a while to get to a focused and happier place this year with moving and all the financial stresses of our flat etc but finally I feel like I’m moving in the right direction.


Two artist friends and I are trying to get ourselves together to exhibit as a group. We are aiming to get a sketchbook full each within a week. My ideas as usual focus on landscape and collage. I am using much stronger colours than normal which I think is the influence of the Devon landscape creeping in.

I’m also hoping to get back at the weaving loom this week and work on some archeological ideas that are bubbling away. 

Back to school

Back to school and as predicted our son was not best pleased. Let’s hope the mornings get easier. He has never liked school. I don’t think school suits everyone but I couldn’t home school. I wouldn’t have the discipline for it and need some quiet for me. 

Today was a day for coffee and sitting. I am shattered from the six weeks of holidays and visitors. But tomorrow will head to my studio along the road. I hope to have a date for a solo show soon and can’t wait to have that date to work towards.

Studio sort out

In preparation for school starting again on Wednesday I have had a little studio sort out. Well I say little but it turned into one of those piles of stuff why did I start this job kind of things. But now it’s done and looking all lovely and ready for me to get into later in the week. 

My pile of little block canvases are sitting waiting for me too!