Experience the Best of Africa: Top 3 Simple Circuit Trips in West Africa for First-Time Adventurers

If you’re planning a trip around West Africa, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to things to see and do. One of the best ways to experience the region is to take a circuit trip.

A circuit trip is a journey that takes you through multiple countries in a loop. This is a great way to see a variety of different destinations in a short amount of time. There are many different circuit trips available in West Africa, so you can choose one that fits your interests and budget.

Instagram For Small Businesses: Tips On Building A Community

Long gone are the days when Instagram was just an app for sharing fire photos with cool captions for our fans, family, and frenemies. The platform has since grown into a powerful tool for connection and engagement, especially for businesses and brands. Instagram now makes it possible to sell your products to tons of people…

Staying Gold In The City Of Bronze: 3 Days in Benin Republic

With stretches of aqua blue water, palm-fringed beaches, and tasty food, Benin Republic is easily my go-to destination on a budget. On the garri-for-lunch-everyday side of town, I grew up, you’d have to be rich to afford a vacation. Maybe not filthy rich, but at least rich enough to afford a plane ticket; and you…

How To Get The New Yellow Card In Nigeria

What is the Yellow Card for traveling? The Yellow (fever) card is a certificate that serves as proof of vaccination against the disease for a traveler. Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease present in Africa and South America. The infection can range from mild to severe and vaccination is the best protection against this…

Sexual Assault: Dark Days In Dakar

The journey to Dakar from Bamako had taken 48 hours instead of the 36 Google maps informed us. A lot had happened on the way; our car broke down in the middle of the road twice, we had to chase after our bus across the border from Mali into Senegal in the scorching heat of…

Back-Packing Across West Africa (All You Need To Know II)

I backpacked across West Africa going from Nigeria to Senegal on a budget and it was quite the experience. The countries in West Africa are beautiful, but this post focuses on the journey and not the destination. From navigating chaotic bus stations to overcoming language barriers, I learned a lot along the way. In this post, I’ll share my insights and tips for backpacking across West Africa, including what to pack, where to stay, and how to stay safe.

Back-Packing Across West-Africa (I)

When I told my friends and family I was back-packing across West Africa in the company of 2 men (left home with one of them and would later meet up with the other somewhere on the road), they were convinced  I had finally, completely lost it. LOL. I mean, they were quite sure I had…