Welcome to the summer goals page!

The first Summer Goals List was assembled by Bob Grimaldi and Kelly Fronczak! in May 2009, our first summer together.  Despite the 43.5 miles of highway between Kelly’s home in Attica and Bob’s in Wheatfield, we managed to complete nine of our original fifteen goals.  We had such a good time meeting new people, finding new places, and learning new things that we decided to make a list of goals an annual summer tradition.  Since then, we have sat down together each May to come up with new goals (but never leaving behind our unaccomplished goals).  We hope that you enjoy reading our goals and looking at photos of past goals we have accomplished.  If you think you might be able to help us with any of this summer’s goals, please leave a comment or let us know, so that we can try to work together to accomplish all of our goals. Be kind and have a great summer!

053A3652-3309382332-OPhoto taken by Sarah Bridgeman.

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