
The Spirit of Hospitality

“Bartenders are both craftspeople and salespeople: they make something, and then sell it to you. No surprise, then, that so many go on the become entrepreneurs.”
- Jim Meehan, Barman/Author

I have been envisioning and cultivating the concept for Barman’s Bespoke Spirits for a long time. Long before I was distilling spirits in my garage, I was designing mobile cinemas, illustrating cocktail bars, crafting mobile carriers and looking for other innovative ways to bring my custom creations to the consumer. I’ve always been a dreamer and a visionary. I like to think outside the box.

For several years now I’ve been focusing on the prize way up at the top of the tree; my own craft distillery. Because my focus was not on the branches I’ve stumbled a few times. With each fall though, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that have propelled me forward.

I’d like to ask for your help to raise a smaller sum to get started and focus on my next step. The first branch of many that will help me in actualizing my goal. This goal is to raise $20K. This is the money I will need to begin distilling from home, to take the iStill’s online training course and to travel abroad and receive a master distiller certification in Amsterdam.

The Plan


The Plan 〰️


Fund distribution (in order by priority):

  • Fermentation Equipment - $2,500

  • Lab Equipment & Chemicals - $1,000

  • Distillation Equipment - $8,000

  • Substrate ( corn, molasses, etc) & Processing Equipment - $2,000

  • Master Distiller’s Certification, Travel & Accommodations - $6,500

  • Contingency (taxes & shipping) - $1,000

Your contribution matters! Below are links to several donation options. Any amount, big or small, will make a huge difference.

Let’s get together!

If you are reading this, it means you have been listening to my ideas and supporting my vision for awhile now. I want to thank you for your generosity. There is no doubt that your time, energy and insights have been pivotal to my process. As a token of my appreciation, I would like to connect with you - outside of the bar, with a celebration!

My generous hosts, David & Giovanna, welcome you to their Hudson home for an evening of cocktails, burlesque, light fair and more. Please accept my gratitude and join me on May 17th for a fundraiser event!

“Plan for what is difficult while it is easy. Do what is great while it is small.” - Sun Tzu