TbgStance SpringMeet 2015

I love this  time of year. Sun is shining, the temperature rises and the meet season starts.

At this point, everybody is eager to check out what the others have buildt during the winter.

Who’s got new wheels? Anybody with a wicked paintjob? Some insane engine builds?

Who’s got the most complete car this year?

Today I got the first look at some of the great cars in the area.

Well. When I say area, it stretches over a huge part of Norway, as well as Sweden and I believe someone from Denmark. Great effort from those of you who travelled for hours for this.

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Winner of best in show. Congrats! Continue reading

Plans for the year.

This year seems to become quite a busy year for me. The plan is to attend all the Gatebil events in Norway, a few Trackday.no events and some hill climb and auto slalom events.

Hopefully I will also be able to find some interesting feature cars as well. Let me know if you have a cool car, or know of someone who has.

I will also try my own car in both trackdays and auto slalom. Really excited to see what the little old Miata can do.

In the mean time, here’s a few more shots from last year.

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Some crazyness from Motormessen in Lillestrøm last fall.

A few really nice BMWs showed up.

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How’s this for a crazy build?!

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Some nice old school stuff.


Can’t go wrong with a classic in Gulf livery.

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The LaSupra. Droolworthy!


Some guys didn’t make the deadline. Show up anyway. Love it!


Not an everyday sight in Norway!


Family car.

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A few bikes showed up as well.




Some really cool details on this one. Love the patina!


And even some trucks. Bonus points for guessing who’s this one is.


My favorite techniques part 1: The high speed panning.


One of my favorite techniques to bring a car to life is the panning shot. As seen above.

The point of this kind of picture is to really bring the speed to life.

Look at the picture above. You can really feel the speed of the car.

Now look at this one:


It seems stationary, right? The truth is that it is going quite fast as well.

The secret behind the first shot is the effect of low shutter speed and panning.

It’s one of the techniques that requires a lot of practice, and also that you standing correctly.

First of all. Make sure you are standing on solid ground. Sounds ridiculous, but it is true. Standing in a slippery incline will make you tense up to keep you from falling.

Which brings us to the second point. How you are standing.

Have you ever seen the shooting stance of a Navy SEAL? They are all doing pretty much the same thing. Sure footing. About shoulder width facing the target with the entire body. Arms in tight, and shoulders relaxed. They do this so that they can keep the guns up for a long time while shooting precise. While beeing able to pan left and right without moving your feet.

That is exactly what you want too. It really doesn’t matter if you shoot with a rifle or a camera. It really is the same.

When it comes to camera settings I usually go for the lowest ISO I can and shutter priority. As for the shutter speed it depends on how fast you need to pan, and how steady you are. I usually try to keep between 1/120 and 1/60 with my 70-200 handheld. And I always shoot on continous instead of single shot. Just because you’ll never get the shot if you only take one picture.

It is also a good idea to assign autofocus to a separate button to keep you from using the focus by accident and ruining the shots.

The picture in the beginning of this article was shot with my 7D with a 70-200 F2.8 at 1/100 ISO 200 f14. Focal length 75mm.

As for focus point, I usually set the focus to the closest edge of the track. Since I use a deep field of depth that ensures that the whole car will be in focus.

As for aiming. I tend to aim for the race number on the door. I will pick up the car about 45 degrees from my centerline and keep shooting it til it is 45 degrees to the other side, matching the speed of the car exactly. That maximizes the chance of getting that one really clear shot.

When it comes to composition. Try to have something in the picture that will get really dragged out. This wil enhance the sence of speed in the picture. Spectators or posts are good things to use for this. As you can see in the bottom left corner of my shot.

Also, I try to have something that will make some nice lines through the pictures like the guardrailes or curbes.

And lastly. This is something that takes a lot of practice to get right. One way of practicing is to stand next to a normal road and try following the cars. Once you get it at low speed, try a highway.

If you want to go right to the track action. Start of right after a turn, where the cars aren’t going that fast and then move your way down the straight.

And that is pretty much how you shoot cars at speed.

Please feel free to comment and ask questions. And have fun with the technique!

Trying to make a plan… Failed.

This post was supposed to be a plan on what events I was going to shoot through the year. And that could have happened if the schedules of the racingseries and trackdays were actually out.

As it is, though. Not many of them are out yet, so it seems I have to wait a bit longer to plan my year. In the mean time. Here’s some more shots from years past.

Audi VS Motor

Audi White

Old school 2

Red Agera Scuderia Ferrari F10


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That’s it for this time. Feel free to leave a comment below. This page is nothing without feedback.

Starting something new.

Starting the new year without a job got me thinking.

“What do I enjoy doing the most?”

The truth is, there’s a lot of things I love to do. Two of my main passions though, are photography and cars. So I figured. Why not make a blog about it, and share my passion. After all. There’s a lot of car guys and girls out there. And hopefully, I can share my work with them.

Living in a small country like Norway with 6 months of winter and only about 5 million inhabitants, you’d think the car scene would be relatively small and boring.

Well. That’s not really the case. You see. Norwegians LOVE to build crazy cars, and racing them. Wether it’s on a track, in the woods or just drifting in a closed parking area.

To start the blog of. Here’s a little recap of a few of the builds I’ve photographed over the last few years.

As you can see. The variety of cars is incredible! Although a few of these cars are from other countries, the pictures are all taken in Norway.

Hope you enjoy, and share this blog.
