Master your physicality and earn the life you deserve

At Truly Spartan, we believe the human body is the vessel through which all successes are made. If our physicality is poorly made, we are incapable of reaching our peak performance in any endeavor. We draw inspiration from the legendary warriors of ancient Sparta who epitomized discipline, strength, and resilience and whose lives were founded on the principle of physical excellence. Our mission is to equip individuals like you with the tools, knowledge, and guidance needed to embody the Spartan spirit and excel in all areas of life. We offer personalized, holistic training services designed to maximize your physical performance and create a foundation for your life as unbreakable as the Spartan phalanx.


Truly Spartan aims to positively impact as many individuals across the globe as possible through the principal elements of elite fitness and holistic living. We aim to recreate as closely as possible the might of the ancient Spartans on an individual level, and within our tribe as a collective. Truly Spartan places as much emphasis on the health pillars of nutrition, sleep and overall recovery as the process of training toward the highest attainable level of fitness. We aim to instill optimal dietary habits by removing the chemicals, additives and other killers in our commercial foods and instead teaching our members how to make the right choices in whole foods produced not for a monetary bottom line but with your health in mind. The world is becoming progressively unhealthier largely because the food industries have taught us to be so, and because people on the whole don't prioritize exercise. Truly Spartan is here to remedy that pandemic.

In terms of our inner circle, the Tribe, Truly Spartan places paramount importance on leadership and belonging. We ensure that its membership is comprised only of individuals who truly want to be a part of a community of peers that cares about growth. As a member, you'll be surrounded exclusively by a group that seeks growth in all facets of life and will be as pillars to support and strengthen you. Through our relentless attitude to bond and grow together, harnessing the power of the ancient Spartans, we create men who are ready to excel and lead in whatever endeavors their lives bring. In this exclusive group we offer our greatest opportunity for overall growth and we prioritize our relationship with every single member.

Whether you seek that inclusion or just elite fitness, we're here to support you every step of the way. Truly Spartan preaches and practices holistic health, and that approach transcends exercise. We reinforce the above tenets of nutrition, sleep and recovery just as much as fitness because we know that fitness is unsubstantial without the right foundation of health to bolster it. At Truly Spartan we believe that health is the foundation of performance. And performance is what we teach. Through a holistic strategy, we'll take you to the mountaintop of your physical performance, and by extension across all of life.


Welcome to Truly Spartan! We believe that all men harbor massive but also untapped potential. We specialize in bringing that potential to the surface by creating an uncompromised physical foundation. Using tried and true athletic training techniques, our comprehensive approach focuses on first unleashing your full physical potential in order to pave a navigable path for you throughout your life. By following the regimented programming and four-tenet ethos of Truly Spartan, you will create for yourself the life you deserve.


Spartan Personal Training

We pride ourselves on creating personal training programs that are tailored to meet your unique fitness goals. Every individual is crafted with unique genetics, aspires to different ends and has a particular schedule and lifestyle that needs to be met. Starting with a comprehensive evaluation, we get to know you first so we can better serve you. By combining proven training techniques with the core Spartan virtues, Truly Spartan's personal training will take you to new heights of physical performance, while providing you with a mental edge to ascend even further.



As the founder of Truly Spartan, Patrick's vision has always been to emulate the Spartans and impart their story that others might find direction and inspiration. He was stricken with their larger-than-life heroism, and the tales of their martial valor he found at an early age to be applicable to all facets of life. The idea of overcoming any adversity presented with an unwavering mindset, and a man so fearsome yet humble that there is no task too great for him awed Patrick at a young age. He endeavored to be that very man and at 22 settled that he would begin a historical fiction series that would capture the Spartans and their warrior code. Using his lifetime of self-guided research, his studies as a Classics student, his lifelong emulation of this warrior peoples, and a sheer magnitude of willpower to breathe life into his ancient heroes, five years later at 27 he published the first installment in An Eternal Truth : Defiance.

Unleash Your Inner Warrior : Our training programs are centered around the Spartan ethos of fortitude, manifested by our several tenets and guiding principles. Our overarching creed is to never stop growing, and we will help you tap into your inner warrior, unlocking the limitless potential within you.


These workouts are no joke. If you do them as prescribed, they will exceed your goals. Not only did I meet my milestones, but I’m surprising myself in other physical applications where I didn’t realize I was getting stronger. Patrick’s also a genuinely fun guy who can write regimens around what you already love to do so your workout doesn’t get boring.

Mason McNay

Patrick is perhaps the world’s most well rounded Spartan scholar. Not only has he studied the Spartans for his entire life but he has also embodied their philosophies and puts them into action DAILY. This daily consistency is what transforms you from an observer to living out a life of Spartan virtues yourself. This isn’t just for getting fit, it can help in virtually any aspect of your life. Are you ready to become unstoppable? I highly recommend it.

Alan Sherwood

Patrick's commitment to embodying what he teaches is truly motivating. Working with Patrick isn't merely about hitting fitness goals; it's embarking on a journey toward a more vibrant and healthier way of living. His methods encompass more than physical exercise; they pave the way for a comprehensive transformation. If you're eager to embrace a holistic approach to fitness, I strongly recommend Patrick's personal training services.

Steve Flaat

Within a little as a week I had gained surreal strength in my grip, pushing and pulling muscles. Everything you tell them is hit spot on with their programming and you get to really see that once you get your workout plan. The assistance by Patrick whenever you have a question you can always count on and I highly recommend this program to anyone who really wants drastic change in their fitness level.

Alex Peralta


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