Friday, December 1, 2017

Frosty Returns ; DIY Frosty The Snowman Fridge

Happy First Day of December! 
Frosty The Snowman was a tradition stretching back the length of my childhood! My Mom thought the Magician was absolutely hilarious & let's be honest he kinda does have his own charm. I have since adapted the Tradition & since 2012 have been keeping the Tradition of Frosty The Fridge Alive. 
Frosty Returns this year; with more style & flair than ever before.
Seen wearing a Metallic Rose Gold Scarf,accessorized with a Pork Pie(Jazz) Hat adorned with a Blush Daisy Boutineer.
Scroll to the Bottom to find a Tutorial that goes over the supplied needed & basic steps to re-create him year after year, & some grainy shots of some Frosty's of the Past.

What You Will Need:  
~ Pencil
~ Scissors
~ Gift Wrap
~ Black Marker
~ Transparent Tape
~ Cardstock / Coloured Paper (Orange & Black)
~ Artificial Flowers (OPTIONAL - for Boutineer)
~ Hot Glue Gun & Glue (OPTIONAL - for Boutineer)
~ Wood Skewers (OPTIONAL - to brace the Hat at the back)
How To:
Step #1. Gather necessary supplies.
Step #2. Draw out your 'features' - be sure to draw them in reverse so that the Pencil doesn't show, or "from the back" as I like to call it.
[ 2 Eyes, coal buttons & mouth pieces out of BLACK]
[ Carrot nose out of ORANGE]
Step #3. Cut out 'features' using your Scissors
OPTIONAL Step #4. Using your Hot Glue Gun & Artificial Flowers add the Boutineer to the Hat.
Step #5. Cut 3 strips (the same width) of Gift Wrap.
Step #6. Using Transparent tape - start adhering everything to your Fridge as you see fit!
  (I got a little over-excited & forgot to continue snapping pictures of this process)

Frosty Returns 2017

Top Row: 2012 , 2013
Bottom Row: 2014. 2015

Self Love Cultivated Through ; Self Love, The Process of Art, & An Attitude of Gratitude 

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