We buy houses direct from you.....AS IS, no contingencies, no appraisal, no hassle!
If you are the type of person that values your privacy, wants things done professionally and efficiently and do not want strangers in your space. Then selling your home to Barry the buyer is for you.
Do you have problem property? 
Constant repair requests? 
Money going down the drain?

It may be time to sell!

We will buy one or all of your properties!
Cash out in full!
Receive scheduled monthly payments  

Thank you for visiting, my is name Barrington Malcolm, aka Barry the buyer. We specialize in buying property from sellers, and making the process as simple as possible. If you are looking for a fair price, flexible terms, and a smooth transaction, then you have come to the right place.

Fill in the form, call, text, or email for a fast and confidential offer. 
310.428.8715 or Barrythebuyer@gmail.com.

We Buy As-Is.  No Repairs.  Fast Closing.
No Contingencies.    No Lookie-loos.    No Hassles

Contact us today and receive an offer with no obligation!
Phone Direct 310.428.8715