
What We Do

Americhip creates innovative advertising and marketing products like Video Brochures, Video Books, Instore Digital Product Selectors, Video Packaging and Multisensory Magazine Inserts that allow you to more effectively communicate with your core audiences. Our innovative solutions help you drive sales, breakthrough the clutter and generate greater ROO/ROI. We’re a digital studio, a design lab and a plant, all in one. We have a team of talented people with all of the eclectic skills to make each facet of your branding, marketing, advertising, packaging, digital and social media initiatives relevant, engaging, effective, measurable, and uniquely creative. Innovation, engineering and sensory branding are what Americhip is about--every day, all day. Ready to get started?



For over 10 years, Americhip's core services have revolved around our Multisensorized communications where we integrate Audio, Lights, Materials, Paper Engineering and our patented Video in Print™. Americhip uses technologies to make emotional connections on a sensory level, bonding your brand to your target's subconscious in entirely new ways.

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Americhip is synonymous with discovery, development and integration. Our highly-skilled team of engineers and designers are consistently researching and innovating.  From Video Brochures to Video Books, Americhip is always inventing new ways to blend the analog experience of print with the new frontiers of digital technology.

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Today's world is mobile and connected. By integrating technologies like Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, and Bluetooth Low Energy, we transform traditional pieces into completely connected devices. Our New Mobile in Print Technology allows your audience to instantly connect with you - and the pieces deliver live analytics with unprecedented data tracking. 

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We work with global brand leaders and agencies to upgrade existing communications and create ingenious new solutions. We take ideas and transform them into unique and innovative products that engage, influence, and elevate your brand through Video POS Displays, Video Product Replicas and Video Packaging.

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More of Our Work

vip live

Microsoft Wi-Fi Hotspot Magazine Insert

What better way to convey the “Office in the Cloud” that to place the internet into a magazine with Americhip’s VIP Live™ technology.

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vip live»

Video Blade

Wrangler Video Blade

Americhip’s new stock 7” Video Blades were just the right solution to convey the technology advancements of the new denim and jeanswear.

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Video Blade»

In Store Display

Oster E Ink Blade

This is a short description about our amazing video books.

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In Store Display»

POS Display

Shelf Edge Blade Series

Communicate at the point of sale with sleek digital technology

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POS Display»

Who We Work With

Let's work together to create something amazing.

Americhip's mission is to deliver solutions that engage audiences on a more intimate level. We design, develop, & manufacture innovative communications tools to empower global brands and agencies.
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