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Ciel Sillage


Married in the fjords of Iceland, multidisciplinary artists and musicians Helena and Wyatt ( Bré), are Ciel Sillage.

Ci·el  / Sē’el  Sky or heaven

Sill·age / Sē’äzh The degree to which a  perfume's fragrance lingers in  the air when worn.

Individually and collectively, Ciel Sillage sources much of their creative nourishment through extensive travel and life internationally. 

Through the inspirations of guiding in the canadian wilderness, travels in Morocco, Scandinavia, Africa, Southern Europe, and life on the northwestern coast of Japan, Ciel Sillage creates an array of multi-sensory installations and immersive performances that draw upon all of these diverse experiences and more.  

Helena Lalita is a professional Violinist and fine artist. She teaches violin, viola, and private and group fine art classes full time from her home studios in Lancaster and York.

Wyatt (Bré) is a professional singer songwriter and teaches English Language development full time.

Below are a few images from recent immersive installations ( visuals, film, dance, texture, and live violin soundscapes) performed and created locally!