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our pride collection

$2 of your purchase from our select Culture Craze Pride Collection is donated to various Pride societies and organizations!

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Decorate your life!

stuck on stickers

We would like to respectfully acknowledge the First Nations territory on which we are located.

Culture Craze Head office is situated on Coast Salish territory, within the shared territory of the Snaw'naw'as and Qualicum First Nations.

We thank the Snaw'naw'as and Qualicum First Nations peoples for their continued stewardship of the land and express our gratitude for being able to work, play and gather here. We commit ourselves to ongoing learning, understanding, and support for Indigenous-led initiatives aimed at reconciliation, truth, and healing. We acknowledge that reconciliation is an ongoing process, and we aim to foster a safe and inclusive space for all members of the community.

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Celebrating community since 2001