#Growing Up.


As you grow up, your priorities change. “Nights out” are swapped for “nights in”, your circle gets smaller, and games, drama and partying every weekend just aren’t entertaining anymore. You get to a point where it is quality over quantity; like in your career, your relationships, your home, your family and in Yourself! You want quality now’, something that is yours, something real, something that you can nurture to maturity and that can have some form of perpetual succession, something you are/can be proud of in life and in the “scheme of things”. As you grow up, you want a future, not just a for-now or a fling’. Things change, YOU CHANGE…and you start to like it that way. Now, this is the point where you know that you are now a grown up, an adult. This is the point where you start living, this is the point where life begins finally!

“The Journey Into One’s Self”

Re-engaging one’s capacity to make more out of himself can be challenging, and sometimes these fit may seem impossible and almost unattainable, but a re-look to what you have always believed in or thought yourself becoming can be of immense help and a great step towards revisiting that aspiration or career path you have always savoured and seeing it becoming a reality with a touch of strength,hard-work,persistence, prayers and an unending streak of research. These points may sound or seem too much for you to handle, but if you try you will be surprised at what you can make out of yourself. Cause as the saying goes, ”nothing good comes easy”. This is why we as a #team are urging you to take that bold step today and reach out to who you really are deep within and become that person you have always thought yourself becoming. Take that trip!!

“The Forgetful Scribe”

Eeerrrrrm! that’s what he said when he was robbed off commonsense

His mind racing, ego deflated, eyes wide shut, pupils dilated and stained with blood, legs wobbling, and in silence, the gaze of thousand crowd stared in anticipation of a master piece foretold!

They leaned forward, hand to the chin, despising the cold in concentration they froze

Eeerrrrrm! again he goes, this time deeper into his forgetfulness he knows as his heart pounded hard against his chest with crashing confidence like a weak mud brick in a deluge

carving a lapse in his mind so that grasp on reality eludes him so well fiction seemed like the new real’. And “NO this is not happening!” his inner self reassured-the lines where rehearsed times without count and moments without notice

So eeerrrrrm! again he reaffirms as he attempts to scoop his spilt ego off the flaws of time, the platform of the greats and alter where words are slayed to the admiration of brutes who purchase in coin and pay in attention the edification of the arts and sustainability of the Abattoir “the scribe’s-court”

smelling a whiff of fear’ “Forgetful scribe” a voice from the mammoth crowd decried, and there was a festivity of laughter and scorn which further plummet his already sunken self esteem. So he stood still, shocked, and staring back at the already elated audience

But just like magic, a dead silence broke just as soon as the jest began. The kind likened to an empty church in recession, and for a second he could breath and also feel his limbs

And so eeerrrrrm! again he goes, but this time the unimaginable sprouted as he was greeted by a stampede of applauds flooding through the square

doors creaking,chairs replicated hands in suspense, whistles blaring and a warm reception was accorded his unrehearsed skit

confused and in oblivion
losing track of rhyme, time and or reason,he took a bow as he was through conducting the botched orchestra, stood tall and exit the stage, with shoulders high and ego cum moral fully restored with a bouquet of smiles painted on his face while an incense of pride fumed from the burning gratitude his soul offered nature

And yes! Although he said nothing,he made famous by the virtue of a forgetful mind state. The forgetful Scribe

Oyewusi Philemon Olawuyi

“Nigeria Should be Colonised a Second Time”

“Nigeria should be colonized a second time” that, he thought to himself as those saddled with the responsibility of upholding her honour and glory have failed in all ramifications the duty they were called to obey.

    With a population of over a 150 million people, 36 states covering the length and breadth of a mammoth sized landscape, endowed with both human and natural resources enough to cater for the entire African states, Nigeria has every opportunity and resource to compete with some of the advanced countries of the world, and also command a healthy authority in global politics, business, intelligence and  decision making as regards human rights to life and association e.t.c.   

Standing tall and proud as a country with one of the most gifted and educated sets of individuals to ever walk the earth, with records and ground breaking strides to show for it, She has been able to forge a good reputation for herself along these lines and area of discipline overtime but the turn of things immediately after independence, leading to the hour that brought us to the stalemate we are currently experiencing as a people in this age and dispensation “blinds the mind with rays of disgust”. 

It begs my thoughts to wonder how a reservoir of intellectuals such as Nigeria would lack the steam to demand accountability, justice, equity and fairness through a movement that changes the scheme things as it affects their cooperate existence and standard of well being since that is the character with which it was founded despite the unpopular amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorates in 1914.

Nepotism, the Godfather syndrome, sectionalization and also a polity fueled along tribal and religious lines is what we have now at best and which has been institutionalised to the very fabric Clothing the entity Nigeria.

There is a paradigm shift in the relationship and that which bounds the elects to the electorates in world politics today. The gap between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is not as wide as it use to be regardless of what bloc a people may subscribe to, whether a developed or third world country like Nigeria, the people will revolt in agitation of a policy or proclamation which does not add value to their lives or better the conditions of the teeming population of the set state or country. Algeria, Egypt, France, The United states and even Some African countries such as South Africa despite its age amongst the committee of nations has had its fair share of anti government protests to drive home their grievances and demands, which at the long run ensures an amendment in such policies in the interest of the people who voted them into power and to whom the swore to represent. We as a people must think beside ourselves and selfish interests, besides our love for flesh which is devoid of pain and discomfort, besides the thought of shame or public ridicule, beside that which makes us different from one another whether tribe, geographical location or religious beliefs and affiliations, but must as a single voice unite so as to flush out those toxins in guise of politicians, those vampires sucking the very life out of our present and future rights, entitlements and benefits. And also workout a modality such that a government sanctioned and embraced by all and sundry is escorted through the corridors of power.

We should have representatives we can call back when we perceive them to be misfits for the positions they are occupying regardless of shame, fear or favour, we should have a government which meets its people at the very core of their needs and is directly accessible and listens to the plight and cry of its people, We should be a nation who’s surgeon through the theatre of education and life experiences is perceived through our actions and inactions, we should be one Nigeria, one people, one nation!!. That way, no true citizen will think a recolonization of the pride of the Black race a solution to her disorientation. GOD BLESS NIGERIA!!

“Life is Much Easier Than Its Creation”.

Clearly the intricacy of Reproductive and Evolutionary Biology has been aptly explained and documented by various scientific scholars in the likes of Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins et al., and is being taught to us during our formative years, However it’s always easier trying to understand a rather complicated process than in creating one of such. To further back up my proposed claim, the theory of Energy Conservation which states energy can neither be created nor destroyed but merely undergoes a transformation, sums it all.

Now, I’m in no point at all to judge those clamouring for death upon our very own PMB. Their actions are very much justifiable especially in the face of this will breaking economy that has continued to thrive under the noses of those who once  made mouth watering promises to the Nigerian people during their campaigns. Yes, one could capitalise on our naivety and our lack of perception of a glaring political strategy especially taking substantial precedents into consideration. But I strongly disagree and thus, taking a stand for what you believe in is better than doing nothing at all, only now we are better formed and If experience serves us any better we will be fully equipped in choosing those who set out to represent us, However wishing death on Buhari isn’t the answer here instead i pray for the good health, safe return and like Energy and Matter a glorious transformation. To reiterate, understanding a process, in this case LIFE is much easier than its creation. It is way so much easier even to destroy it, like Trump is arrogantly doing right now to the United States he never created.

God bless Nigeria!! God bless Mankind!! God bless Planet Earth!!

The Word “NO”.

The opium and the control phenomenon as thought by Karl Marx is devastatingly operational in nigeria than anywhere in the world.

Call for any form of protest and the so called youths,so loud on facebook, would almost shit in their pants.

Our faith is that God can and will change things  even kill a president,but we don’t  believe God can use us to change things, so sad and very inhabiting to a potential great change.

Those in power understand our psychology and thrive on it freely and daily with maximum pleasure.

I tell people that ours is a self affliction by the things we do or don’t do. Nobody wants to die, yet many are dying daily as a result of the country’s bad shape, from bad roads and accidents, to poor medical services, to self administered death- suicide, due to intense depression.

Do you know the word ‘NO’ is complete sentence, that is all the youth in this country need to say.

No enough enough is enough!

No we can’t take it anymore

but the mere thought of these thought create feeble knees

i hate to be a rebel but what i hate most is being a fool that gives life to #INJUSTICE.there are many youths in the police, the military and all armed securities that are silently waiting for the civilian youth to act and the can give their support. The feeling is mutual

nigeria no doubt holds the next revolution that will shake the world.

I don’t know when, but its coming.

i remember when i wrote severely of Buhari winning the 2011 election many ignorant men thought me  a pro Buhari/APC. I am not a prophet but even true prophets know that the elements of prophecy is in what men do.

We all by actions and in-actions have  sanction this nation to a revolutionary end.


this country, its politics and style of governance, the handling of state affairs is a great joke
and the greatest, greatest joke is the mass of her citizens whose naivety has shifted ground to the pages of facebook and other social media.
This is not about liking mr president or disliking him, it is not about PDP or APC, not about Islam or christianity, not about north or south,nor is this about wishing mr president life or death. All these have their moment of consideration,comparison and analysis given individual perspectives and preferences.
EXCUSE ME please
the citizens of this country, if not that we are taken for granted, deserve to know in clear and evidential term the state of well being of their no.1 citizen, the president, more so that their are filtering rumours speculating otherwise of his well being and existence, it is a duty that the state owe it’s citizens.
Nigeria as a country has been tiptoeing on her unity and continued existence. So many divisions on the policy style of the incumbent vis-a-vis the prevailing economic situation. Displeasure on erratic energy,hike in prices of cooking gas, kero and other essentials. All this depict a fragile state that some experts have term a fail state and a few hopeful have tried to describe it as an unavoidable transition towards targeted change, whichever,the truth is that the country is in a bad shape. Which is to say that the management of this country’s affairs should be such that it does not spark more flames , hence in regards to my subject ,the state machinery responsible should have made available, tangible information to allay people’s fears and clear the air of assumptions.

Come to think of it, nobody wants a repeat of the Yar’adua Secrecy that actually ended up in his death [his soul rest in peace] and the saga that almost erupted but for the mercy of God

I believe Nigerians want PROOF OF LIFE and is not too much too ask
a living president has a voice and the electorate need to hear it.


“The sky is not your limit;but the mind that sees the sky is your limit”•
Grand perspective.. Actually took me beyond the places my thoughts usually goes.. Keep writing’


As a young child, I always heard people around me say that”the sky is your limit”. I for one didn’t know the meaning yet , but everytime I heard it, I look up to the sky and I say to myself “it is really far up, how can one reach it not to talk of trying to go beyond it”. That was my own interpretation.
But I grew older and got involved with the right set of people, I got to understand that the sky is not my limit.Now the puzzle as to what can limit a man still remains unanswered. Let’s take a look at what the word “Limit” means. The American English dictionary defines limit as: a restriction or a bound beyond which one may not go.

Have you ever heard of the word MIND? Or have you heard of the word MINDSET?The only limitation of a man…

View original post 291 more words


In opposite directions, down times path we enthrode
Gazing the petals of our revered union thrive dry and erode
Painting the canvas of our reasons with white lies, as the rift in the fabric binding us together increases by their dozens
In our realities are rivers, streams, ponds, heals, plains and oceans both of sweet and brackish water- the craft of the master architect’s order
Obey your thirst she says, that which you seek just may reveal its taste, as strings of veins illuminates her rage
cause I am tired, yes! Tired i am, but for a break ill give the world
I must commune with my sacred deity, born of a virgin lady, to reveal my truth and end my waiting,
without which a storm eminent will spread like a plague the crashing seeds of my sane-ness
Cause I’m tired, yes! Tired I am…
Kabiyesi! My black chocolate: The ornamental orient of my laughter years…Im TIRED!!!

#Beutiful Child!


I saw a ribbon in the sky, and like the eagerness of an adventurous child I reached out for her delicate feathers only to discover an ocean of butterflies flooding through my conscience. A beautiful child is embraced by the tender web of creation; his eyes lit with roses from the gardens far beyond here and revered by the cultures of celestial essence. Defied of any reason of calm like an inferno a sweet warmth ran through my spine and enveloping my entire body with an army of bliss. Christening a proud being into a subtle soul, I greet the August entry of my bloodline, the birth of the General of a Generation foretold. Welcome dear Child……Beautiful African Child!

“I Believe”

                  I believe every person has his or her own trying moments in life, and as such a Country and a State. Spanning from the direct result of poor policy implementation, poor
execution of projects, misplaced priorities or Insecurity stemming from an overdue on
bitterness drawn from corruption perpetrated by the bourgeoisie on the proletariat,
nepotism, political cum religious bigotry and intolerance, tribal hatred and cleansing e.t.c which has stampeded On the life-wire of its relations with the rest of the world and within its shores. The effects of this trends in the country has rendered the hard earned veil covering its nakedness weak and thin thereby exposing its under-linens and making it visible and prone to whoredom in the eyes of even the less worthy states on the map of the globe.
         Giants of Africa is the popular nomenclature with which we were christened with
by the rest of the world because of our population, natural resources, bright minds, large a landscape and because of the nature of our policy which baptized Africa at the center of her foreign policy, e.t.c has really given us an edge in the dealings and affairs of which regards the continent and matters of international cooperation both as it regards the country, the continent and the world at large. But the recent turn of affairs on its soil and territorial-integrity has projected it weak and incompetent to tackle even its own domestic affairs talk more of that which confronts states breathing beyond its porous borders.
Yes, it is true the saying that suggest that just when the night fumes the darkest
is when its about to break dawn, but how much longer must her citizens wait in pain and
tears before it is enough and the glory of the sun beams down its rays of beauty and
elegance to smile upon Us with ease and tranquility?. From the valley where we stand,
hope is too high a peak to reach but those who endure are the ones to which the land
flowing with milk and honey is promised. It is not too late, nothing really is, change is
possible, it starts with you and with every bit of the living cells in us. Let have a new
reform, lets reach for a new tabula-rasa, and lets rewrite Our history as a people united
for a common cause and bounded by love and respect for each ethnic nationality making up the state Nigeria be it a Minority or a Major tribe, and lets be that race which is envied by all the world over.
       I pledge to the perpetual existence of the most populous, intelligent, resilient
beautifully architectured individuals, and the prized jewel of the continent of Africa-
Nigeria. Long live her integrity, long live her social contract embraced by all and sundry,
long live her drive for a rather robust and advanced nation, and better yield her rather
distinct and unique potentialities from this day right through time infinite…