Forrest of rubber!

Just the other day Josh had asked if I was free one evening and as I typically reply ” depends what and why ” He mentioned woods and cars going sideways so I was easily convinced to be free and said ” I guess i’m free, ill be at your place at 6 ” and away we went. We showed up, Kolton was in his dodge which completely caught me off guard and our homies from Alberta showed up with a truck and trailer and his pro car on the back and all I could think of is ” the good ol’ days ” haha and set up blockers at the top and the bottom of this private property and we just hotlapped for hours as we got ANNIHILATED WITH GOD DAM MOSQUITOS FOOR FUCK SAKES. it was horrible! almost got to the point of not even wanting to be there anymore, bug repellant wasn’t doing SHIT and we were all sticky from the muggyness , it was an experience for sure haha.

but hopefully more fun times will be had and these are just a few of the photos i took as I was just so fucking amped on the whole situation i forgot to take more as it goes haha.

Days of Graffiti,

Well It’s been a long time! lots has changed but I’m going to try and make a huge effort to get my ass out of the garage and get to events again as this one reminded me of how much I enjoyed hangin’ out with people, laughing, fucking around, and having good company!

This trip was a bit spontaneous as they usually are but one that is a constant reminder of what it’s all about. The first time Karl ( Japhands Kustoms ) built his truck and got it road worthy it was right before a show called ” Graffiti days ” in Cache Creek B.C it’s about 3.5-4 hours north of where we’re from and it’s pretty much as close to the desert you can get being in the great north haha. It’s so memorable as everyone comes from everywhere to this small town in the middle of nowhere to share a common love for old cars, burnouts and fun! They close the local airport for the day and turn it into a drag strip and then in town at 7 ish they have a government funded burnout pad where you just sign up and burn your tires off! it’s an absolute hoot! hahah! unfortunately I didn’t get any photos as I was having to much fun watching but eh, it’s a reminder for next time to be like ” oh yeah snap some photos of smoke ” hahah

Hopefully this is a push for me taking more photos again and getting back into the groove and i should really start doing weekly lifestyle updates but eh! ill figure my shit out one day!

whipsaw in a day’

Is the Whipsaw trail a good day trip ?

A few weeks ago Josh sent me a messaging saying Cassidy had sent him a message asking if he wanted to do Whipsaw in a week and only for a day trip, and we were kind of hesitant as the last time we did it we did it in 3 days, mind you we were camping haha, but none the less it took us 3 days. So I said fuck it lets go! what’s the worst that could happen, Josh was just scared he’d have the most “incapable truck” yet he’s fully locked on 37’s hahahah

The following Friday I went to Josh’s slept on the couch and at 5:15am we were out the door off to the races! We met up with Cassidy and a few others at the local store and 3 hours later we were on the trailhead to start our adventure!

So is Whipsaw a good day trip ? I would say Absolutely Yes! although it is a longer day it is completely doable in a day while not being so rushed or missing any obstacles. Unfortunately the bugs were absolutely HORRIBLE so we didn’t get to hang out or have a bbq like originally planned as, as soon as we opened up the door and got out of the vehicle we had a legit 3 minutes to do whatever we got to do before the mosquitos sensed our smells and started to ATTACK. I still have mosquito bites on my body hahahahha, I would say it takes about 6 hours to do the trail which we didn’t rush but also didn’t have lunch so give yourself 8 and if nothing major breaks that’ll give you the time necessary to do the trail! there are some pretty decent obstacles but everything has a bypass which is pretty cool about the trail!

I’d say Its a good trip and everyone who 4×4’s should experience it one day as theirs lots of lakes, good views and wilderness to absorb!

Porsche ‘n across the Country

So, the opportunity of driving a 1986 Porsche 911 turbo across the country came up, and knowing me, I couldn’t say No, so here’s the story.

About a week prior to the trip we were hanging up in the office with our customer / friend Richard planning out his next build while calling shipping companies trying to get his newly acquired Porsche home from Quebec- across the country. As we were calling shipping companies that we trusted they were saying how it’s going to be about a 3.5-5 week lead time and Richard was not having it so Anthony jokingly said ” Richard, why don’t you just fly us out to Montreal and we’ll drive it back” and well the rest goes down in history as the following Wed we jumped on a plane across country to pick up a car we’d only had seen in photos.

We had an early flight but after time change and everything we got into Montreal late afternoon to get picked up by the dealership and get our car. The dude had quite the collection but due to privacy I can’t share any photos but we got to our car, everything appeared to be decent and we went on our way. Richard got us a wild hotel downtown Montreal so we had to make our way there which was about an hour drive. They had mentioned they put 50$ of gas in but the gas gauge still said empty, but told us ” yenno it’s a Porsche thing, you need to fill it up to the top before it starts reading ” as Tony and I look at each other with a face palm look and go fuck. haha So needless to say we didn’t have a gas gauge throughout the entire trip let alone non working after paying top dollar for a car across country but eh, didn’t really have a choice so we continued on our way!

It was a beautiful evening, and not a cloud in the sky, after we got to our hotel we went for dinner and some random smoked meat house which the locals were talking about and then to this place called “Gibeau Orange Julep” which was apparently the place to be on a Wed night for car owners. We hadn’t really booted the car yet and the air was crisp, So Tony hit the pedal and WHEOOO we were NOT expecting that, the car was pretty fucking quick. among this I was playing with the radio to see what CD was inside and all of a sudden ACDC starts playing and we look at each other and go “no way, Travis is here with us and we are across the fucking country ” ( Travis, our boss LOVES ACDC ) and it Completely set the mood for the trip and we went off to get orange drinks and see some cars!

Other then the roads being completely HORRIBLE in Quebec and Manitoba there wasn’t really much else to about the east coast haha, I’m pretty glad I got to experience it only going one way. The people in Quebec were super friendly although we only had one evening to go around. Ontario is fucking GIANT, took us the better portion of 2 days to get through but I had ZERO idea the roads and scenery were so beautiful there! the amount lakes and windy roads DEFINITLEY helped us get through without going insane. We stopped in Winnepeg for the evening and then booked it to Calgary the next day.

Alberta we started to see mountains again which was quite relieving as there were hours on end where we could have probably fell asleep going straight and still been alive when we woke up. Went and seen this Company Unobtainium Welding for an exhaust for a Mclaren 720s that we’re working on and then made our way home,

As soon as we hit the BC / AB boarder it was like going through a portal of heat, the whole week we had friends texting us saying how hot it was but were were like meh can’t be that bad and BOY WERE WE WRONG. as soon as we got over the mountains we hit a heat wall that never ended it was horrible to come back to after all of the nice weather we had minus one morning in Ontario where it was raining pretty hard. It was so hot that although we had AC it couldn’t keep up and we found a random lake to park along and jump in which was a MUCH needed thing to do.

There wasn’t much excitement other then we were driving a 1986 Turbo air cooled Porsche across the country with very little info on it other then it looked pretty clean. It was an opportunity of a lifetime that I’m so grateful we got to experience! We had about an hour to figure out if we wanted to go or not as the tickets were climbing in price and sometimes you just have to say fuck it, go experience things and live a little.

Snow upon a time,

well last week my buddy Eric messaged me asking if I wanted to go snow wheeling since he had just finished his truck aswell, and we kind of started and finished at the same time! it’s been one hell of a trip but we both finally got together! been a while since i’ve written but got lots of shit to do haha,

Test day

so i had finally gotten the bronco done and last night i was up till v late getting stuff done on it but today was the test run and it did well! absolutely no problems other than almost passing out from carbon monoxide poisoning because i forgot to use sealer on my transmission tunnel.

dont’ really have much to say other than it’s pretty rewarding haha.

shoots a’ hoy

so a few weeks ago I got invited to go out shooting with some friends and unfortunately something had come up and I wasn’t able to make it but this weekend I had planned accordingly and brought my dad out and had a blast of a time!

I never hated or disliked guns, I was just never really attracted to them but today I learned just like everything else in life I hadn’t found the gun I really enjoyed. needless to say theres one more hobby added to my expensive list of toys hahah,

well heres some photos and hope you enjoy!

saw of whipin’

So a few months ago before all this Covid-19 bullshit came along, a group of us were planning a trip up this unbelievable mountain called “Molybdenite Peak” Josh bought a Jeep Gladiator, I was trying to get my 74 bronco ready to go on this trip and a few days before cutting it quits we had gotten told that the only ferry to get across the water to the peak was shut-down by the natives so we kind of had to rethink of a new plan since we all had this week off to go on a trip that just got pretty much K-O’d!  Josh had seen a few videos of this other trail Riley had done in the past called ” whipsaw ” so having no real destination otherwise we kind of headed east instead of north and started our trek!

It had been a bit and I was kind of in a crunch for a vehicle, so the monday before hand I told myself if I didn’t have the bronco running and driving by the monday I wouldn’t take it as I didn’t want to be that dude that blew up because I half assed something stupid and held everyone up, So i kind of mentioned to my brother that I needed some new rims and or tire combo and later that day he had sent a set to me that weren’t the ” ones i wanted ” but ended up being the perfect ones i needed, went to the shop to mount some tires from the bronco onto the ranger rims and did a few more things and everything kind of fell into place with only a few hiccups!

The trail Whipsaw was pretty dam good! it’s a cool setup as ALMOST Everywhere has a bypass, and although there are some quite gnarly parts I personally feel the majority of it was pretty easy.. but who am I to say shit, I skipped about 4 things and 3 of which my truck was completely NOT able to even attempt haha but josh got through almost all of them! we had found a nice lake and stayed there for a few nights, got scared shitless from the assholes across the lake setting off bare scares and thinking theirs bears near at fucking THREE AM. for fuck sakes . ate way to much, slept quite a bit and unfortunately froze haha, everywhere had said it was going to be in the mid 30’s thinking this entire trip we were going to be swimming in the SUN  but with our luck, around 5000ft it ended up being 6-10*c and raining the entire time but with the right people we still had a good time!

it’s been a while since i’ve been adventuring but eh, lifes been a busy. next time ill try to take more photos haha, hope yuall are great and Enjoyy!



boot day for a ride’

twas a beautiful day working on the bronco and the next thing you know Charlie shows up on his bike, Stefano shows up and I text Johno and no response and the next thing you know he’s on his chop and we headed out, no destination, no worries. ended up making our way through fort Langley to pop by and skater boy and continued on to enjoy the beauty of a holiday!

been so busy I forget to take my camera and end up taking photos on my phone. but soon ill let my ego die and post phone photos… fuck. haha


tour de’ grande le harriso’


so a few weeks ago Josh, Tonz and shawn kind of mentioned they wanted to hit up camping from Harrison to Boston Bar and I was like sure, I probably need a day or so away from society as I haven’t been away in a few months with this Covid 19 shit going on so came along Friday night, packed my bags and left REAL early Saturday morning. Me being me I really didn’t know the plan or anything, brought a tarp, a tent and a bunch of food, hopped into the truck with josh as I didn’t wanna do a few 100km’s alone and we hit the road! It being a long weekend we knew it was going to be a busy one but with the covid going on we were like eh, can’t be that bad but boy were we wrong. Every campsite and hidden beach we knew of were god dam jam packed and slowly our hopes went down, the weather wasn’t that great so we kind of wanted to set up camp before the rain started, so we continued to search, until Tony kind of went off this random path that none of us had been before and it kept going which was quite steep and found a beautiful dead end cliff road right before the beach where we were able to set up a beautiful camp! unfortunately i didn’t really get any other photos than my stupid small tent that I pack on my bike which I COMPLETELY FORGOT HOW SMALL IT WAS. fucking idiot me, anyways Shawn made us a delicious dinner followed by the idea of smores but had some young drunk ass chick calling for help so we kind of forgot to eat them, dealt with that false alarm and then went to bed shortly after.

the next day we woke up quite early, Tony and Meghan made a bomb breakfast and we packed up and headed out, the road reminded me of an episode of the grand tour, and really gave me motivation to finish my dumb bronco so we can go on more trips together! haha, few hours later we had continued on and ended up in Pemberton. my stupid dumb ass didn’t read the group chat and clearly missed the memo but glad everything went as it did as I had a great time with Great people!

and that was my quite spontaneous weekend. hope yall had a great time and can’t wait for more!
