Markosia Spotlight On: Yuga

Each week we’ll be turning the spotlight on one of the many quality books from our extensive back catalogue.

This week it’s the turn of Yuga.

In a fight to save Earth, a warrior prince finds his long lost brother leading the enemy, until an alien race wishing to wipe them all out takes advantage of the strife.

Written by Avinash Gudipati with art by Gabriel Caitano, click the link below to order Yuga now!


Pumpernickel: The Complete Fairytale – OUT NOW!

There was once a little girl called Rebecca Turner…

Actually, there wasn’t because she’s really a changeling called Pumpernickel, swapped by the fairy folk as a baby. When she is called home to Faery, she refuses to leave, preferring her new life with her adoptive human parents – a decision that will put her at odds with the rest of her kind. But she’s prepared to fight to keep her human life, even if that means going to war with the whole of Faery.

By Luke Cooper, creator of Hollow Girl and AloneNotLonely, Pumpernickel is a modern fairytale about family being more than blood, no matter how much is spilled. This book collects the whole mini-series along with a bonus epilogue and pin-up.

Pumpernickel: The Complete Fairytale is out now and available from the link below!


Traveller: Riftbreaker #1 – Pre-Order Now!

The spacelanes of the Imperium are made of star clusters and mains that guide the flow of interstellar traffic. The stars provide the path for Travellers to cross Charted Space. But there are vast expanses of starless space where only the boldest Travellers dare to go. The yawning void of the Great Rift is one such expanse. Adventurers Revo Sanderson and his brave crew are determined to do the unthinkable: Cross the Rift using their wits and a standard scout ship. It’s a crazy idea, but Travellers are made of sterner stuff than your average spacer.

Traveller is the role-playing game of the far future, first published in 1977, now brought to you by Mongoose Publishing. Traveller: Riftbreaker is a foray into Traveller’s celebrated Charted Space setting, where ordinary spacers take on extraordinary challenges.

This issue also includes bonus material for the game that describes just what “riftbreaking” is and how it’s done. Also included are stats and deck plans for the S-464077-F, the trusty old Type-S scout ship featured in the story.

Written by Chris Giffen with pencils by Luigi Iannelli, inks by Matteo Cialdella, colours by Francesca Gatto, cover art by Mykyta Vasylchuk and lettering and design work by Ian Sharman, Traveller: Riftbreaker #1 is available to pre-order in prestige format from the link below now!


Hollow Girl Vol 17: All My Friends Are Dead on DriveThruComics!

Out now from Markosia on DriveThruComics!

Hollow Girl Vol 17: All My Friends Are Dead

Know when you’re dead.

Having reluctantly accepted her role as the surrogate Hollow Girl – albeit with the original as a guide and the walking corpse of Blunt as a bodyguard – Hannah is now hunting for a killer who represents the ultimate in unfinished business: Hollow Girl’s dark reflection, the loathsome and terrifying Legion.

Written and illustrated by Luke Cooper (AloneNotLonely, Pumpernickel), and featuring a striking cover by Nathan Kelly (Drexler, Snarl), Hollow Girl: All My Friends Are Dead is the most unhinged issue yet

Written and illustrated by Luke Cooper, click HERE to download Hollow Girl Vol 17: All My Friends Are Dead on DriveThruComics now!

Markosia Spotlight On: Vanquished: Weird Princ{ess} – Volume One

Each week we’ll be turning the spotlight on one of the many quality books from our extensive back catalogue.

This week it’s the turn of Vanquished: Weird Princ{ess} – Volume One.

Part 1 – The prince of Valenguard is a little weird. Everybody thinks so, but what they don’t know is that she is actually transgender!

It’s the day of the big war meeting, and Princess Valorie’s on the run! Fleeing the castle with the queen in hot pursuit.

Meanwhile, a mysterious assassin has come to town. Her target?

The weird princess.

Who will catch up to her first?

Written by Ben Smith with art by Felicia Mars, click the link below to order Vanquished: Weird Princ{ess} – Volume One now!


Kemu: Book 1 – OUT NOW!

In a time of sinister political intrigue and brewing civil war, ancient mythologies spring suddenly to life, upending the social order and complicating the swelling crisis. A jumbled cast of extraordinary characters must unite to prevent this collapse. Explosively imaginative and emotionally charged, Kemu is a folkloric fever-dream and hallucinatory free-fall through fantasy and myth.

Written and illustrated by Sheridan James Lunt, Kemu: Book 1 is out now and available from the link below!


Zip #1 on DriveThruComics!

Out now from Markosia on DriveThruComics!

Zip #1

Nothing’s going right for Zip. When she tries to date, she can’t focus on slow talkers (that’s everyone besides her). An eight-hour shift makes her feel like she’s been awake for days. When she tries to stop a traffic accident, she forgets not everyone can react as fast as her and, well – boom! She can’t be normal. She can’t be abnormal. Perhaps the world would be better off without her? But there is someone who needs Zip, and thanks to a pair of shady characters running a mysterious science experiment, their life is about to depend on her.

Written by Mike Scrase and illustrated by San Espina, click HERE to download Zip #1 on DriveThruComics now!

Here There Be Monsters on DriveThruComics!

Out now from Markosia on DriveThruComics!

Here There Be Monsters

Was the terrifying Flatwoods Monster an alien creature whose spaceship crashed on a rugged mountaintop in West Virginia? Or, as the experts decided, merely a meteorite streaking across the night sky?

Was the Mothman a benign apparition sent to warn of the impending collapse of the Silver Bridge or was it an arcane flying creature, as the frightened citizens who reported hundreds of sightings to the authorities described it.?

Both creatures disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared, never to be seen again… Are they gone forever…or do they still lurk in the forested depths of North America’s oldest mountain range?

Written and illustrated by Neil Grahame, click HERE to download Here There Be Monsters on DriveThruComics now!