What Makes Us The Best, Makes You Feel Better

Customized programs for Low Testosterone, ED, Hormone Replacement for Women, Weight Loss and more. Treatment plans start at just $3.99/day.

Semaglutide – Starter Program


Our Hormone Replacement Programs and other Complimentary Therapies May Be The Solution.


Low Testosterone Therapy for Men


Our Quick Start Testosterone Replacement Therapy program was designed for men who want to start therapy right away. Everything is expedited to so you can get the treatment you need, now.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment


At Matrix Hormones we treat ED using the most successful compounded medications available. We work with you to improve your sexual health and get your confidence back.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Women


Consider Hormone Replacement if you experience insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, memory loss, mood swings, depression, muscle loss or low libido. Our programs are comprehensive, customized and work for every budget.

Welcome to Matrix Hormones

Whether you suffer from low libido, fatigue, mood swings, or muscle loss, your symptoms won’t go away on their own. Our clinic tailors all of our treatments to specifically meet your needs, blood-work, and body type. Don’t settle for a one-size-fits-all treatment plan other clinics offer. When it comes to your health, you deserve a plan designed to work for you.

How Our Programs Work

Trust Us, We’ve Got This

With over 30 years of combined experience, our team has over a 90% success rate in identifying and treating hormonal imbalances for men and women. What makes us the best, makes you feel better!



Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, also known as BHRT, is a treatment used to help eliminate symptoms associated with unbalanced hormone levels. If you suffer from fatigue, hot flashes, irregular cycles, weight gain, mood swings, hair loss, or muscle loss, that could be a sign of a hormonal issue.


Matrix Hormones is an elite provider of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy based in Tampa, providing services nationwide. Our services include testosterone therapy, bio-identical hormone replacement, sexual health improvement, weight loss programs, vitamin and nutrient supplementation and much more.

Could You Benefit From Hormone Replacement?

Without a doubt, Hormone Replacement Therapy can help restore your body to a more youthful state. Common effects of treatment for those with hormone imbalances often includes more energy, better moods, improved sexual health, confidence, motivation, better sleep, improved performance and increased strength.