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Reel Review: Arena Wars (2024)

Reel Review: Arena Wars (2024)

In the word B-movie, the "B" doesn't always stand for bad. Sometimes — like with the action-horror "Arena Wars" — it can stand for badass.
Politics of Horror: The Black Phone

Politics of Horror: The Black Phone

"The Black Phone" perfectly captures the end of innocence, stranger danger, and the conquering power of fear, shaping how we live our lives.
Tubi Tuesday: Professor Hack Harddrive (2023)

Tubi Tuesday: Professor Hack Harddrive (2023)

Trust me, "Professor Hack Harddrive Hacks the Universe" is the least weird thing about this hidden Tubi oddity about creative expression.
Reel Review: In a Violent Nature

Reel Review: In a Violent Nature

"In a Violent Nature" is a love letter to classic slashers and an innovative, astonishingly unique and brutal reimagining of the subgenre.
Reel Review: Double Down South (2024)

Reel Review: Double Down South (2024)

Retrospective and Review: The Strangers (Yesterday & Today)

Retrospective and Review: The Strangers (Yesterday & Today)

Once shockingly chilling, these "Strangers" now feel all too familiar, dooming a solidly executed reboot to a "been there, done that" fate.
Reel Review: Mister Sleep (2024)

Reel Review: Mister Sleep (2024)

Revitalizing the classic slasher, "Mister Sleep" does a great deal right and offers the promise of developing into a terrifying franchise.
Indie Spotlight: House of Screaming Glass

Indie Spotlight: House of Screaming Glass

A haunting ode to classic horror that blends witchcraft and Lovecraft, "House of Screaming Glass" is a masterclass in minimalist terror.
Tubi Tuesday: Clearmind (2024)

Tubi Tuesday: Clearmind (2024)

A witty and wickedly fun revenge fantasy / horror comedy with a killer ensemble, "Clearmind" is a smart, funny, ferociously good time.
Microbudget Monday: Mickey Hardaway

Microbudget Monday: Mickey Hardaway

A stunning debut, "Mickey Hardaway" is a microbudget masterpiece designed for a niche audience that fully deserves mass consumption.
Shudder Sunday: “Nightwatch: Demons Are Forever”

Shudder Sunday: “Nightwatch: Demons Are Forever”

"Demons Are Forever" caters to fans of the original but still delivers for those discovering the "Nightwatch" world for the first time.
Movie Night: Faceless After Dark (2024)

Movie Night: Faceless After Dark (2024)

In the sexy meta-horror-revenge-slasher "Faceless After Dark", a struggling b-movie actor battles real-life demons with bloody consequences.
Taboo Tuesday: Cat Sick Blues (2015)

Taboo Tuesday: Cat Sick Blues (2015)

It may be twisted and full of shocking content, but "Cat Sick Blues" has a lot of heart and will speak volumes to devoted pet parents.
Tubi Tuesday: First Time Caller (2024)

Tubi Tuesday: First Time Caller (2024)

The dialog-driven sci-fi thriller "First Time Caller" may be a stripped down production, but it will have you gripped right to the very end.
Vod Verdict: For Sale (2024)

Vod Verdict: For Sale (2024)

If you appreciate karmic retribution, consider "For Sale" — a smartly woven tale of a shady salesman tasked with selling a haunted house.
Take Two Review: Infested (2024)

Take Two Review: Infested (2024)

"Infested" is a potent creature feature that foregoes camp and B-movie playfulness in favor of making you squirm out of your chair.
Microbudget Monday: The People’s Joker (2024)

Microbudget Monday: The People’s Joker (2024)

With its razor-sharp wit and ample heart, "The People's Joker" is a parody, but it also may be the best superhero movie you've seen.
Shudder Sunday: Infested

Shudder Sunday: Infested

Effectively creepy and often terrifying with strong human drama, "Infested" is a creature feature that delivers on its skin-crawling premise.
VOD Verdict: Night Shift (2023)

VOD Verdict: Night Shift (2023)

"Night Shift" offers a punchy and pretty-in-pink version of a motel murder movie. Is it worth checking in to this thriller for a night?
Prime Picks: Blackout (2023)

Prime Picks: Blackout (2023)

Larry Fessenden’s "Blackout" presents a simple and intimate portrait of grief, reminding us how those we lose can haunt us in violent ways. 


Girls Guide to Horror: Vamps on Video (Part Six)

Girls Guide to Horror: Vamps on Video (Part Six)

This installment of the Girls Guide to Horror features brilliant bloodsuckers — vampire films old and new that every genre fan should know.
Social Horror: Brandon Cronenberg Films

Social Horror: Brandon Cronenberg Films

We explore themes of abjection, palatable impulse, fractured identity, humanity, and exploitation in the films of Brandon Cronenberg.
Folklore Around the World: Latin Legends

Folklore Around the World: Latin Legends

If you only know the mythical monsters in your neck of the woods, these seven Latin legends will give you new fuel for your nightmares.
Top Ten Tragic Horror Deaths

Top Ten Tragic Horror Deaths

We expect tragedy in horror films, but sometimes, a character's death is so shocking, cruel, or senseless that it's hard to recover from.
2024’s Most Anticipated Horror Games

2024’s Most Anticipated Horror Games

Will 2024 compare to 2023 when it comes to killer horror games? Only time will tell, but these ten titles are poised to make a huge splash.
What Horror Movies are Based on True Stories?

What Horror Movies are Based on True Stories?

These horror movies were inspired by unbelievable true stories (or claims of truth) that are among the most shocking or controversial.
Let’s Talk About: The Murky Mirror of the Bayou

Let’s Talk About: The Murky Mirror of the Bayou

Modern horror movies about the South inevitably involve the bayou — a murky mirror of our own twisted desires and racist ancestral pasts.
15 Hotly Anticipated Horror Films of 2024

15 Hotly Anticipated Horror Films of 2024

We should be in for another bloody good year of horror. There's so much killer content coming, but these 15 films are high on our radar.
Study This: Four Great Horror Films for Students

Study This: Four Great Horror Films for Students

Whether you're a student looking for light escapism or some truly terrifying and thought-provoking genre fare, we've got the best in class.
Horror Films That Deserved Oscar Nominations

Horror Films That Deserved Oscar Nominations

After recognizing Oscar-worthy genre talent in front of and behind the camera, let's look at ten horror films the Academy overlooked.
Horror Directors Who Deserved Oscar Nominations

Horror Directors Who Deserved Oscar Nominations

We've recognized Oscar-worthy genre talent in front of the camera; let's go behind the camera to look at snubbed visionary directors.
Love and Horror: 14 Bloody Romances

Love and Horror: 14 Bloody Romances

Romance isn't dead, but these 14 killer romantic horror movies will take your breath away, whether you watch solo or with someone special.
Horror Actors Who Deserved Oscar Nominations

Horror Actors Who Deserved Oscar Nominations

After highlighting women snubbed by the Academy, we're back with ten memorable male performances in horror worthy of Oscar recognition.
Horror Actresses Who Deserved Oscar Nominations

Horror Actresses Who Deserved Oscar Nominations

While everyone is talking about women snubbed by the Academy, we share ten remarkable genre performances that deserved Oscar recognition.
Triple Threat: Risk and Reward Horror

Triple Threat: Risk and Reward Horror

Want to elevate your horror game and raise the stakes on fun and frights? These films about high risk and reward are a sure bet.
The Four-Front of Horror: Horror Dramas

The Four-Front of Horror: Horror Dramas

Horror dramas, or arthouse, may be dismissed by horror purists, but they can be among the most harrowing and affecting films in the genre.
Balancing the Scales: Karmic Justice in Horror

Balancing the Scales: Karmic Justice in Horror

In horror, we often see innocent lives destroyed. But sometimes, we get the satisfaction of seeing real monsters get their karmic justice.
Five on it: Video Game Zombies

Five on it: Video Game Zombies

We pay homage to some great video game zombies that time may have forgotten but that still hold a special place in our geeky gamer hearts.
Best of the 90s: Teen Slashers

Best of the 90s: Teen Slashers

Thanks to horror master Wes Craven reviving the genre, the '90s were a sick time for rad teen slashers — many that are still da bomb today.
The Four-Front of Horror: Body Horror

The Four-Front of Horror: Body Horror

Past the glorious gore, body horror intelligently exposes the monstrous horrors of humanity, and vivisects our greatest fears.


The Chamber: Josh Spiegel

The Chamber: Josh Spiegel

We chat with writer, YouTuber, filmmaker, and fountain of horror knowledge Josh Spiegel about his many projects and passion for the genre.
Final Girl on 6th Ave: The Coffee Table (2022)

Final Girl on 6th Ave: The Coffee Table (2022)

A film that has made waves among a niche audience of indie horror fans, the Spanish sensation "The Coffee Table" will seduce and shatter you.
Another GD Horror Pod: Caden Douglas

Another GD Horror Pod: Caden Douglas

We chat with the brilliant mind behind the darkly hilarious "Mother Father Sister Brother Frank" along with other indie horror talents.
Donna Tha Dead: Month of Mayhem

Donna Tha Dead: Month of Mayhem

The world is burning, so pull up a seat, get comfy, and let's lean into the madness with a month of mayhem in the form of great horror.
Spookshow: House (1977)

Spookshow: House (1977)

Before our Summer series dedicated to vampires, we visit a very strange and surreal "House" of horrors with a cult classic 70s horror export.
Adventures in Movies: Faceless Fury

Adventures in Movies: Faceless Fury

This week, we unmask the new meta indie horror "Faceless After Dark" and end Bruceploitation Month with the man who ended Bruceploitation.
Adventures in Movies: Haunted House Fever

Adventures in Movies: Haunted House Fever

Adventures in Movies: Wild Life

Adventures in Movies: Wild Life

This week, it's a wild ride as we look at the compelling biopic "Wildcat" and the insane Bruceploitation oddity, "Bruce Lee vs. Superman".
Adventures in Movies: Fists and Folklore

Adventures in Movies: Fists and Folklore

It's a furious double feature with the Irish folklore horror "All You Need is Death" and the Bruceplotation classic "Fists of Bruce Lee".
Final Girl on 6th Ave: Climax (2018)

Final Girl on 6th Ave: Climax (2018)

A dizzying descent into madness, "Climax" is breathtaking to behold but requires an embrace of arthouse filmmaking at its most rebellious.
Adventures in Movies: Dirty Deeds (“The Coffee Table”, Bruceploitation)

Adventures in Movies: Dirty Deeds (“The Coffee Table”, Bruceploitation)

This week, things get nasty with a horror film touted as deeply disturbing and a 1970s film that exploits Bruce Lee's legacy.
Spookshow: City of the Living Dead (1980)

Spookshow: City of the Living Dead (1980)

Though derided upon release, the hallucinogenic "City of the Living Dead" has earned its cult following with memorable and shocking sequences.
Another GD Horror Pod: Toby Poser and John Adams

Another GD Horror Pod: Toby Poser and John Adams

We discuss Family, Fear, and Filmmaking as we go inside the world of an indie filmmaking family with Toby Poser and John Adams.
Spookshow: Skinamarink (2022)

Spookshow: Skinamarink (2022)

Depending on your perspective and tolerance for experimental horror, "Skinamarink" is either painfully boring or unshakably horrifying.
Adventures in Movies: Enter the Giants

Adventures in Movies: Enter the Giants

We dive into two bigger-than-life films — from a supersized killer spider in "Sting" to a screen titan, Bruce Lee, in "Enter the Clones".
Adventures in Movies: Otherworldly Horror

Adventures in Movies: Otherworldly Horror

We welcome strange and beautiful visitors with this week's double feature of two underrated gems: "Under the Skin" and "Glorious".
Another GD Horror Pod: Tina Horn

Another GD Horror Pod: Tina Horn

We sit down with renowned comic book writer Tina Horn to explore horror movies, cult classics, and the dark corners of pop culture.
Spookshow: Summer of 84 (2018)

Spookshow: Summer of 84 (2018)

Written before "Stranger Things" and hailed as one of the best horror films of 2018, "Summer of 84" nailed 80s pastiche and teen horror.
Adventures in Movies: SXSW 2024 (“Dickweed” and “Dead Mail”)

Adventures in Movies: SXSW 2024 (“Dickweed” and “Dead Mail”)

We cover two very different films that had audiences buzzing out of SXSW 2024, but did "Dickweed" and "Dead Mail" deliver the goods?
Final Girl on 6th Ave: Possum (2018)

Final Girl on 6th Ave: Possum (2018)

One must not tread into a viewing of "Possum" lightly, but it leaves an indelible mark on those willing to confront its nightmares.


Fiction Friday: The Sandbox (Book One)

Fiction Friday: The Sandbox (Book One)

Now Read This: A Graveyard of Stars

Now Read This: A Graveyard of Stars

The sci-fi collection "A Graveyard of Stars" shoots for the moon and lands with aplomb, offering three terrifying tales of horror in space.
Now Read This: Butcher and Blackbird

Now Read This: Butcher and Blackbird

The viral BookTok sensation "Butcher and Blackbird" is worth the hype: funny, spicy, and graphic in all the best ways possible.
Fiction Friday: Let Gravity Seize the Dead

Fiction Friday: Let Gravity Seize the Dead

An evocative and mesmerizing tale from a visionary writer, "Let Gravity Seize the Dead" is an essential read for fans of horror fiction.
Another GD Horror Pod: Toby Poser and John Adams

Another GD Horror Pod: Toby Poser and John Adams

We discuss Family, Fear, and Filmmaking as we go inside the world of an indie filmmaking family with Toby Poser and John Adams.
Now Read This: One of the Dead

Now Read This: One of the Dead

Richard Farren Barber crafts a suspenseful and multi-dimensional story that's engaging and emotional with his novel "One of the Dead".
Let’s Talk About: Swamp Thing (Alan Moore)

Let’s Talk About: Swamp Thing (Alan Moore)

Green shades, transformation, and emotion: Why Alan Moore's brilliant "Swamp Thing" desperately needs to be brought to life via animation.
Reading the King: Doctor Sleep (2013)

Reading the King: Doctor Sleep (2013)

"Doctor Sleep" is a worthwhile, if overly long, follow-up to a King classic that speaks to the need for community and connection.
Point-Counterpoint: Hollow (Book Review)

Point-Counterpoint: Hollow (Book Review)

Read two wildly different takes on Mike Salt's new claustrophobic terror "Hollow" and decide if you dare to enter this underground hellscape.
Fiction Friday: Demonic

Fiction Friday: Demonic

The impossible-to-put-down "Demonic" is wickedly good fun with great characters and plenty of bloody violence for horror lovers.
Fiction Friday: The Girl You Call

Fiction Friday: The Girl You Call

A chilling crime thriller that explores the nature of power, corruption, and victimization, "The Girl You Call" is utterly compelling.
Book Review: Question Not My Salt (2024)

Book Review: Question Not My Salt (2024)

Billed as a horrific and gruesome horror story, "Question Not My Salt" felt far too tame and under seasoned for my tastes.
Now Read This: First Light (2024)

Now Read This: First Light (2024)

Liz Kerin returns with “First Light” — the hotly anticipated sequel to “Night’s Edge” — a riveting and powerful new take on vampire tropes.
Now Read This: Mouth (Joshua Hull)

Now Read This: Mouth (Joshua Hull)

Entertaining and wonderfully constructed, Joshua Hull's must-read novella "Mouth" is a captivating love letter to classic horror.
Now Read This: Monsters We Have Made (2024)

Now Read This: Monsters We Have Made (2024)

Inspired by real-life horror, "Monsters We Have Made" explores the limits of love and the power stories have to shape our realities.
Now Read This: Next Of Kin (Elton Skelter)

Now Read This: Next Of Kin (Elton Skelter)

The dark and thrilling queer romance "Next of Kin" is the latest must-read from the master of wickedly satisfying endings Elton Skelter.
Top 5 Most Disturbing Junji Ito Tales

Top 5 Most Disturbing Junji Ito Tales

A master of disturbing and body horror, Junji Ito's twisted tales are unforgettable, and these five standouts will shake you to your core.
Now Read This: The Bedmakers

Now Read This: The Bedmakers

Chad Lutke and John Boden play with our emotions, pull on our heartstrings, and deliver the thrills in the amazing story "The Bedmakers".
Fiction Friday: The Devil’s Backbone

Fiction Friday: The Devil’s Backbone

A collection of Appalachian horror stories from a trio of talented writers, "The Devil's Backbone" is uneven but far from uninteresting.
Now Read This: Faith of Dawn

Now Read This: Faith of Dawn

Gory and disturbing, with points for originality, "Faith of Dawn" is a strange, suspenseful story aimed at fans of folk horror.

Chattanooga Film Festival


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