Welcome to My World of Old Houses. Old People. Old Dogs.™ 

Nothing more empowering than standing right in the middle of Woodward Ave, Detroit:)

Nothing more empowering than standing right in the middle of Woodward Ave, Detroit:)



EVERY DAY, I get asked about Tessa. The episode with her family is shown across the globe every week. For those of you that don’t know, she passed away a year and half later. Her parents are close friends of mine and her dad is Bobby, my GC on the show. We continue we continue to share her story through the Love, Team Tessa foundation set up in her honor by her mom and dad. ( I wrote these words below a few years back)

Seven weeks ago, on a stormy, Saturday night at 8:25 PM, Tessa passed away. The past few weeks have been a blur for all of us. I've met a lot of children in my 40 years and of course, have two of my own, but this little one was such an old soul. Her smile, her laugh, it was completely captivating. To say that none of us expected this is an understatement. I can't even add up how many procedures, surgeries, treatments, etc that she endured and came out swinging every time. If I had to put my money on someone beating the odds, it was our girl. I laid with her the Thursday before she passed and she said "nicole, come closer" I just remember thanking God for giving me the honor of loving her and held back my tears as I talked with her. She had recently picked out a scooter for my little one's birthday gift and I was telling her how much he loved it, without skipping a beat, she lifted her oxygen mask and said "send me a video". I told her I loved her, I kissed her beautiful bald head one more time. In all that I've seen, all that I've done, I will never understand, accept children not having the opportunity to grow up. I hope that all of  you take a moment to visit her Facebook page and share the story of #welovetessa. By telling her story, awareness will be raised and when that happens, money starts to flow the right direction to finding a cure, because we need these babies and we miss Tessa. 


Yes, I actually wrote A New York Times and USA Today Bestseller!


“The book satisfies the curiosity about Nicole's life that fans have been craving. . . . Written in Nicole's signature down-to-earth but hold-no-punches style, the prevalent message is to always look at the glass as half full—or, more appropriately, look at the falling-down house as half standing.”

“Inspiring. . . . .Curtis’ energy, grit and love for the hustle are infectious.”

There’s nothing staged about Rehab Addict star Nicole Curtis’s real life. In her new book, Curtis opens up about her colorful, and sometimes troubling, past. . . . But the HGTV star also writes about how she manages to be strong for herself and her kids through it all.
— People.com

The Projects-Before and After

yes, I actually still work on houses.


See the before & afters of Nicole's Minneapolis renovations---the results of decades of advocating for old homes. 

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See before & afters of Nicole's Detroit renovations.

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